HERCULSON - JAMIESON Patronymic Surnames

+2 votes


The change of name is because Shetland and Scotland used patronymic surnames until 19th century so Herculson was son of Hercules - if he had son call Robert Herculson then Robert's son became whatever Robertson and so on. They also used daughter so somewhere we have a barbara johnsdaughter. Jameson became fixed when patronymics stopped with a person who was son of james. The spelling morphed into Jamieson at some point in the later 19th century. The names on Bayanne are a mixture of Tony Gott's research and names given to me by others. The Shetlanders don't consider themselves to be part of Scotland btw and to be honest they are nearer to Norway and were Norwegian until about 1450. They have nothing to thank the Scots for.

in Genealogy Help by Richard Jamieson G2G Rookie (190 points)
retagged by Eowyn Langholf
Very interesting tidbit.  Can't help with researching Hurculson, but have Jamieson's in my line.  Interesting your statement about the Shetlanders not being fond of Scots.  They are now considered to be Scottish and really enjoyed my recent visit with them.  However, they are very fond of the Danes & in Scalloway had the Bus Boat during World War 2.  When we visited they had a memorial service which we attended and many Danes were there.  Like many people in the UK, the poorer ones suffered at the mercy of their Lords.  Things were tough for most people in years gone by.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Tagged scottish_clans just in case this info can help someone someday.
by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)

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