Am I genetically related to Ann Peck?

+7 votes
I took the AncestryDNA test and appear to be descended from Ann Peck and John Spooner. I would like to know if I am related to them.


My Gedcom  on is McScott5SendToAncestry 16.06.29


And my kit is GEDCOMs linked to kits that match 147662551.


DNA kit(s) linked to this Individual:







|               |               /John SPOONER b: 1596 d: 1630

             |               |       /William (Pilgrim Immig..) SPOONER b: 1622 d: MAR 1684

             |               |       |       |       /Robert PECK

             |               |       |       \Ann (IMMIG.) PECK b: ABT 1598 d: ABT 1650

             |               |       |               |                       /William BREWSTER b: 1475

             |               |       |               |               /William BREWSTER b: 1510

             |               |       |               |               |       \Prudence PERKINS b: 1480

             |               |       |               |       /William BREWSTER (FATHR. MAYFLOWER LEAD.) b: Bet 1535 and 1545 d: 1590/10 Aug 1608

             |               |       |               |       |       \Maude MANN b: 1510

             |               |       |               \Prudence BREWSTER (SISTER MAYFLOWER LEAD.) b: ABT 1568

             |               |       |                       \Prudence (? PERKINS)

             |               \Martha SPOONER b: 14 NOV 1656 d: 1 AUG 1717
WikiTree profile: Anne Powell
in Genealogy Help by
retagged by Peter Roberts

The best that I can tell you & why this is a Comment & not an Answer is:

 I Don't Know, and to offer you a always free membership to : . :-) JPVIV

P.S. The GSMD (General Society of Mayflower Descendants) has the final word.

1 Answer

+7 votes
Best answer
Circles or hints with AncestryDNA is not confirmation.  Simply register at and follow GEDmatch's instructions to upload your AncestryDNA results there.  Then you can find cousins (who tested with Family Finder, 23andMe, and AncestryDNA) who match each other and you on the same (7+ cM) segment (matching clusters).  Invite those matching cousins to connect with your ancestry in WikiTree.  Find a matching cluster (Triangulated Group, TG) which has Ann Spooner (Peck) as its shared ancestor.
by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (753k points)
selected by Porter Fann

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