Well , I'm Trudy Roach. I was born in Pittsburg , Pennsylvania , USA. Moved out west to Flagstaff , Arizona in 1958 . I'm kinda an outdoor gal. Hunting , camping , prospecting since I was little. I don't hunt personally but went with the parents. I'm basically a worn out , retired horse and dog trainer and groomer. I bred and showed purebred Portuguese Water Dogs and Rough Coat Collies. Those like Lassie. Good ones . Champions. So pedigrees are familiar to me. Name a Collie or a Portie and I've got its line in a heartbeat. People may not keep track of their people. , but believe me we keep track of our animals. Gotta brag with the best of em. I like wikitree because of the people. Smart , dedicated , kind , giving people. I've kept with wikitree because it's a challenge for me. I'm techno defunct , big time. Most of my recent line were just people who did what they needed to do. Preachers , Quakers , farmers , fought in wars. All American Wars , others. I think like many others on wikitree , adversity was a way of life. I like to see how they persevered. Not involved in projects in actuality. but many of my profiles fit projects . Working on the easy fb errors . Have some trouble with parent not alive at the time their children were born , because some death dates are hiding somewhere. Or duplicate spouse because my family seems to recycle names. But it's fun. In a wikitree kinda way. The weather today is rainy. Monsoons are here. Last week record heat waves and mega fires. This week rain and flash floods washing over burned out places. Yeap, Welcome to Arizona. Oh , oh ! Gotta Facebook post from my son's friend. HE SAVED A LITTLE GIRLS LIFE LAST NIGHT! Yea ! They were at a restaurant , a little girl fell and quit breathing. He got her breathing again. He's military , he's my hero ! I guess he is my favorite decendant . Hee , hee. He steps up. He's pulled off some pretty cool rescues. Anyway , I love hearing people's stories , love to see people being helped on wikitree. Y'all keep it up. Thanks y'all.