I know I'm making errors with names, request help with correcting family from Flermoen, Trysil, Hedmark, Norway

+5 votes

I feel my whole line from my grandmother Flermoen-1 has errors in it. I know I have messed up the spelling of their last names or didn't add it correctly. Could someone take a look help me correct or give me suggestions on how I go about correcting names from Norway and Sweden. My family came from Norway and Sweden to Minnesota.  They went by the name Flermoen. I find that some of family went by Kvernmo when they immigrated to the united states. I seen Kvernmo on my great great uncles (Olaus Flermoen) obituary and elsewhere and I added it to his brothers(Olaf and Karl) and father (Ole) profiles on wikitree. I Found other Kvernmo's and Olsen in Minnesota, Dakota area's and Montana that also may be a match to family in Norway.  I'm so confused!!  Can someone tell me a little more about the name Kvernmo? Tracing family with Norway and Sweden roots is a challenge!!   =(

[Flermoen-3] [Flermoen-7] [Flermoen-8] [Larson-2483] [Nilsdtr-64]

WikiTree profile: Ole Kvernmo Flermoen
in Genealogy Help by Michele McElderry G2G1 (1.8k points)
retagged by Living Sälgö


I added the tag Norway Sweden

I would suggest that you register you and ask the question at http://arkivverket.no/eng/Digitalarkivet/Discussion

My guess is that Kvernmo is a location i Norway...


Olsson is son of Olof....

To research in Sweden you need

  1. Date born
  2. Parish they were born in
  3. If they married in Sweden
  4. ....

See how I yesterday found some Swedish roots for Jonasdotter-344. I recorded the search in this video took 10 minutes to find the people

See also this video Christa speaking about the importance to start with doing a proper work in the US Census...

Another place to learn more is Category:Sweden_Family_Brick_Walls_Solved

There are at least two Kvernmo in Norway: one in Hedmark which might be yours ( see http://travelingluck.com/Europe/Norway/Hedmark/_3148848_Kvernmo.html); the other is in Sör Tröndelag ( those ö should have a forward slash).
Thank you for all your help! Altogether, I lost my confidence in my attempts to read the language. I've tried to tackle this line off and on for most of my life. What I know is the Minnesota, USA side of the story and I'm okay with that.  I have letters, photos, documents passed down from my grandmother Flermoen to my mother to me and I plan to concentrate my efforts in preserving the memories before they are lost and forgotten. I believe I added plenty of information to help family connect to them. If I do decide to tackle the language again, I'll be sure to look into the tips you all have provided.  Again thank you for all of your help and suggestions!
Kvernmo is the farm name that they lived on - here is a list from Digitalarkivet of the locations of farms with that name http://digitalarkivet.arkivverket.no/sok/eiendom?s=Kvernmo

Looks like there is just one Flermoen farm: http://digitalarkivet.arkivverket.no/sok/eiendom?s=Flermoen

When arriving in America, many Norwegians used the name of the last farm they lived on for their surname here, so others with same last name, could be related or just have also lived on that farm. Some farms were quite large, like little villages and many families lived there.  Also some farm names were very common and are used all over the country - you are fortunate that these two are not common and will be easier to track. The history of each farm is recorded in Bygdeboks, telling who lived there, dating back to 1500's - some of these are online.

ETA: and your stars are aligned and you are very lucky person. The Bygdeboks you need are online. Here is link to a search for the Kvernmo name. Each page has the person highlighted, so just flip through the pages, looking for someone that is familiar. http://www.nb.no/nbsok/nb/a25c2a85fda29a8d20aee0a1ed222f76.nbdigital?lang=no#389

ETA (again) the search for Kvernmo didn't come with the link.  See the dark grey area above the book pages and the magnifying glass search icon - click it and enter either Kvernmo and all the folks using that name will be flagged. Flermoen farm begins on page 349 and is a very large farm http://www.nb.no/nbsok/nb/a25c2a85fda29a8d20aee0a1ed222f76.nbdigital?lang=no#357. It is divided into sections, like north east, west etc with the history of who lived there. Ole and Ingeborg are on p.381 - has their date of marriage etc.

1 Answer

+5 votes
kvern in Norwegian, qvärn in Swedish means "mill" or "millstone".

So perhaps there were millers in the family, or they came from a place that had a mill.
by Gerry Hagberg G2G6 Mach 1 (19.0k points)

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