I just received the latest newsletter from OGS (Ontario Genealogical Society) and in it was a notice for a free online Genealogy course.
The course is called Researching Your Family Tree and is offered by the The University of Strathclyde and FutureLearn Glascow.
Here is their description:
"About the course
This free online course will help you develop an understanding of basic genealogy techniques and how to communicate your family history. We will consider how to effectively find and analyse sources and explore the potential of DNA testing as applied to genealogy. We’ll help you add historical context to your family history and discuss how to record and communicate research findings in a clear fashion. The course is primarily designed for people at beginner to intermediate level."
The course runs for 6 weeks beginning July 18th and requires a time commitment of about 4 hours per week.
If your interest join at https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/genealogy.
They have other free courses including one on the Magna Carta https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/explore-english-magna-carta
Here is a list of courses by category. https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/categories