Anyone interested in a free on-line Genealogy course?

+27 votes

I just received the latest newsletter from OGS (Ontario Genealogical Society) and in it was a notice for a free online Genealogy course.

The course is called Researching Your Family Tree and is offered by the The University of Strathclyde and FutureLearn Glascow.

Here is their description:

"About the course

This free online course will help you develop an understanding of basic genealogy techniques and how to communicate your family history. We will consider how to effectively find and analyse sources and explore the potential of DNA testing as applied to genealogy. We’ll help you add historical context to your family history and discuss how to record and communicate research findings in a clear fashion. The course is primarily designed for people at beginner to intermediate level."

The course runs for 6 weeks beginning July 18th and requires a time commitment of about 4 hours per week.

If your interest join at

They have other free courses including one on the Magna Carta

Here is a list of courses by category.



in The Tree House by Melissa McKay G2G6 Mach 4 (40.4k points)
I took this course back in April. It was pretty good; easy enough to follow for some of the new genealogists and those more advanced commented that they picked up several new things. I'd recommend it.
I just posted something similar about this class, then noticed your post below. I've just started and I'm really loving the format of the class.

Edit: This class repeats periodically. Today is day one of the current class. :)

2 Answers

+11 votes
Best answer

An excellent training....

I think genealogy inside WIkiTree would benefits a lot if we all did a training like this and discussed how different concepts can be implemented inside WikiTree to make Wikitree better and/or make our genealogy research better....

Some lectures I liked... 

A How maps and photographs can bring your family history to life
Feels like we inside WikiTree can help each other with local skills much more and help people doing genealogy in an area that you know a lot of

Suggestion tools to use inside WikiTree:
A-1 Add geographic categories with links to map
A-2 Record videos where you explain different old record/maps  and concepts like Laga Skifte

B The value of adding context
For me genealogy is not recording born, death, married dates its about adding context. One of the great benefits of WikiTree is that its based on the same software used in Wikipedia ==> this software is special designed to add context and have things like categories, free space pages and templates just to make it easier to connect different profiles with concept, coordinates/maps and use Free space pages to write once and use on many profiles.....

Suggestion tools to use inside WikiTree:
B-1 Add categories with links and content about
B-1-1 Old occupations 
B-1-2 Death reasons
B-1-3 Geographic locations
B-2 Create free space pages to 
B-2-1 Document a houses
B-2-2 Document a family and how it emigrated
B-2-3 Describe a grave
B-2-3 Transcribe old church books

Page from 1755 that is transcribed on free space page 


by Living Sälgö G2G6 Pilot (312k points)
selected by Living Barnett
+8 votes
That looks pretty cool.. Thanks for posting!

I've registered my interest for the 2nd course - I hope they do another course after the July 18th.
by Rob Lenihan G2G5 (5.8k points)

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