Genealogy do-over

+6 votes

Hi everyone,

Found this book and thought I'd share - it's got me thinking about how I "do" may tree and have made some changes already!

If you're brave enough to "Do-over" then it's a fully guided process or you can dip in for ideas and suggestions of best practice. I got the Kindle version so links straight to the facebook group and blog pages.

in The Tree House by Alison Wilkins G2G6 Mach 3 (32.8k points)
There's a companion Facebook group page.
Hi Jilaine, I've found the FB group and they're a friendly bunch :)

I'm just starting out again - did my profile yesterday and my mum's today working out a plan and going right back to basics. I've also treated myself to a ton of acid free archive materials to look after the paperwork I have.

1 Answer

+8 votes

For me Genealogy is a never ending process and with the speed technology change today and gives us new possibilities we need to do over more often.... 

WikiTree is a great example that we now have new possibilities to work together and also that we can do much more to develop WikiTree as a better tool to do quality genealogy.....

(the threat is that WikiTree will be a site where people backup unsourced GEDCOM files)

I would like to see some kind of quality process inside Wikitree that could be a WikiTree Do over....==>

  1. You create your profile as today and try to do as good Genealogy research as possible
  2. When done you add a template {{GPS_QA|Poland|Germany}} ==> 
    1. A template is set on the profile that creates
      1. a category saying please review this profile its genealogy research in Poland and in Germany
  3. Other people review it and add comments (using ~~~~) in the Research Notes section and also discuss in G2G
  4. When some kind of agreement is reached that we have done what is possible then a template  is set {{GPS_QA_Done}}
  5. We could then add errors in the Database Error project so we fast and easy find profile not reviewed/approved.....  guess also Ales could add column saying in generation 3 you have found 21 people and 17 of them has been reviewed....  


by Living Sälgö G2G6 Pilot (308k points)
edited by Living Sälgö

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