Biography Builders Needs Themes. Got suggestions?

+18 votes

The Biography Builders (See June question) plan on having a different theme each month for the challenge. Biography builders is going to run from the middle of one month to the middle of the next. For our start up month we picked something broad. "People who lived in 1800 on your watchlist." But we need themes. Can you help us out and make some suggestions?


WikiTree profile: Space:Biography_Builders
in Requests for Project Volunteers by Anne B G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
These are great everyone! Keep them coming and we'll build a list.
What about collaborating with other projects? Or holiday-inspired themes?
Thank you Nicole

9 Answers

+12 votes
Best answer

My imagination has run wild (as usual).

  • People who lived in the 1700s
  • People who lived in the 1600s
  • People who lived in the 1900s
  • Females named Mary
  • Males named John
  • (I could keep going forever with "people named...")
  • Families with 10 children and over (a biography for every child!)
  • or families with only one child - you have to write a bio for father, mother, and child
  • You could do like the A-Z Challenge, and take a letter each month (like July=profiles whose name starts with A; August=profiles whose name starts with B; September=profiles whose name starts with C, and so on)

There's a few ideas for you.  Any good?

by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)
selected by Mel Lambert
I love them all Ros. I can see us now fighting over who gets to write bios for the half dozen Xavier's on Wikitree. O fun I looked there are 2000+ Xaviers on Wikitree.
Or Quentins, or Queenies...

Yolande, Yvonne

Can I have 'W', please, can I? Can I? I've found a Winyfort!
These hilarious tongue in cheek interludes are what keep me reading so many inquiries that have no bearing on any real interests I may need answers for.  Keep up the cheerful attitudes, because so many brick walls can turn into a funk sometimes.  I truly enjoy them.
;o) thanks - glad you are enjoying G2G
+13 votes
People during the Great Depression.
by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
+10 votes
  • People with a specific occupation
  • Veterans of any or of a specific conflict
  • People who never married
  • People who emigrated or immigrated
by Debi Hoag G2G6 Pilot (417k points)
+7 votes
Schoolmasters and schoolmistresses.
by anonymous G2G6 Pilot (289k points)
Good idea Martin. I even have one that needs fixing
+8 votes
People with an unknown parent.
by Pat Credit G2G6 Pilot (191k points)
We certainly have plenty of those on Wikitree. I've added it to the list
I like this.  We could call them the "Great Unknowns".
+6 votes
For February, people who  have same last name as any president.

May  Mothers

June - Fathers
People born in the specific month.
People whose name is an occupation:  Farmer, Fisher, etc

Names that have a 'son':  Johnson, Anderson,  Myerson..
by Terri Jerkes G2G6 Mach 2 (24.4k points)
edited by Terri Jerkes
I like all those suggestions Terri. Thank you.
And colors;  White, Brown, Black, Green(e), Gray/Grey, Gold.

If first names were include in the colors,  I've run across a Pink/Pinkney,  Rose, Golden.

We could color-coordinate the page's background to the names...OK, I've been on the computer too long, today.
I have an Uncle Pink too, several generations back.
+6 votes
Pick someone/s who was born in the same place as you (could be town, city, state/county, or country) and write their biography.  Might be interesting to compare their life with yours, what has changed and what is the same?
by John Atkinson G2G6 Pilot (648k points)
Great idea John. I'm actually working on people from Hartford, Conn. (where I was born) at the moment. I hadn't thought to look at them from that perspective. hmm... wilderness to high rises.
+3 votes
People with multiple births in the family.  Twins. Triplets,etc.  First sets if triplets and above in a county or city.
by Teri Taylor G2G6 Mach 1 (10.9k points)
Thanks Teri. You must have twins etc. in your family.
+4 votes

Maybe use this project to highlight the great work being done in some other WikiTree projects?  I was thinking of:

  • People who should be added to WikiTree's Roll of Honor
  • People who are adopted, or who have adopted children (doesn't directly fit with the Adoption Angels, but we could still bring attention to that project)
  • People who are in (or could be added to) an existing One Name Study
  • Profiles that include DNA research
  • People who have an interesting tombstone or story related to their death or burial (tie in with the Global Cemeteries project)
  • People who are Notables, or who were named after a Notable
  • People who emigrated from/immigrated to another country (not a project, but the Immigration category has a template that we could advertise, and we could document these stories)
by Star Kline G2G6 Pilot (750k points)
Thanks Star, that might be a good way to get some project involvement.

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