Should you add someone as trusted only when they ask?

+2 votes
I've been doing "reciprical" additions to Trusted Lists.  For instance, when I find an ancestor and ask to be added to the Trusted List, I then add that manager to several of the (related) profiles that I manage.  Is that OK, expected, or a pain?  In other words, am I just unnecessarily cluttering up that person's watchlist ?


Liz Shifflett
in Genealogy Help by Liz Shifflett G2G6 Pilot (678k points)

1 Answer

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Hi Liz,

Great question. It's sensitive of you to be concerned. We've had some people who blithely added others to thousands of Trusted Lists, not realizing that this would crowd their Watchlists -- especially if they already had big Watchlists of their own.

I don't know if there's a rule here, though. Is there any answer except to use your judgment, be conscious of how many you're adding, and ask if in doubt?

I'll be interested to hear if others have input on this.

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
selected by Liz Shifflett
How about all those on the trusted list on profiles over 300 years, that have no contributions, sometimes 3 or not even signed up. Could be a mess to clean up. Thought about asking before, thanks to Liz will now.
I Auto add new family that i want to have full access i invite those managers who may be interested in being added. That works so far... some accept some dont, but its their choice. ITS nice to be.accepted to a trusted list and I notice some managers want to see my work so far I am happy to do that too as a matter of fact think thats a good way to let editing begin...also i like to look at their work to see how clean it is and address any questions before adding others..

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