How to "comment out" a portion of text in the 'Edit Text' box?

+7 votes
Sometimes I make private notes in the 'Edit Text' box, and I don't want them displayed.  Is there a way to tag them as comments, not to be displayed?

[NOTE: I already know about the <nowiki> tag-pair, but that simply reduces the wiki commands to text; the commands are displayed, but they are not interpreted as commands.]
in WikiTree Tech by Living Straehle G2G6 Mach 1 (15.8k points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
Best answer
Just use standard html comment tags
<!-- hidden text -->
by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (589k points)
selected by Brad Foley

I put "<!-- hidden text -->" (in a line by itself) ahead of the text I want to be invisible.  There was no change in what was displayed.

"hidden text" means that's where you're supposed to put the text you want to hide....

Just to make sure i understand...

Mr Wheeler's flippant

Just use standard html comment tags
<!-- hidden text -->

was his way of instructing

There is a pair of html tags for that purpose.  Put the four characters


in front of the text that you want to be hidden.  Then put the four characters


after the text to be hidden, in order to turn off hiding.

The tags must be [or, The tags do not need to be] alone on a line.

Yes, I can see that Mr Wheeler's version used fewer words.  Does one get points for the brevity of one's reply?

Hmm.  Does one lose points for the paucity of one's reply?

I had no intention of being flippant, whatsoever. I actually thought I was being helpful. (still not being flippant).

I also assumed that with your years of testing experience, that you were already aware of html coding tags, and therefore didn't need to explain it in words that a non-computer person would understand. Since it is "standard" html syntax, anyone can google actual documentation as needed.

The tags can be on the same line, or they can span lines. But they can not be nested (do I need to explain "nesting"? </flippant>).

And you've miscounted. There are 4 characters to start the tag, but only 3 characters to end it.

I type slowly. I prefer to be brief when possible. I thought you would understand this too. (sorry, being flippant again).
It's funny (sad funny, not ha ha), whenever I see someone getting aggressive and sarcastic on G2G, with people who are trying to help them, it's a pretty good bet you'll soon find they're no longer a member of WikiTree.
I tried this on my fancy iPad Pro apple keyboard and the software “helpfully” converted -- into —. Annoying. Anyway, I worked around this help I didn’t want by putting a space between the dashes and then going back and removing the same. Thanks Apple!

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