BUG REPORT: infinite loop

+4 votes

in category 'One Name Studies', clicking on a letter in "Jump to a Letter" does NOT jump to the letter.  Instead, it loops to the same place ("Jump to a Letter").

in WikiTree Tech by Living Straehle G2G6 Mach 1 (15.8k points)
edited by Living Straehle
That's why I concocted an unofficial alternative version.

The problem is that the real name of a free-space page starts with Space:, so from the point of view of the A-Z and the Previous/Next buttons, they're all lumped together under S, even though they don't display that way.

Basically I think the MediaWiki code is broken, or strangely designed.  No large categories sort and page properly, even if they only contain ordinary profile pages.
Great work-around, RJ! We should remove the normal nav bar on that category.

I assume this doesn't affect other large categories in the same way, only large categories with all/mostly free-space profiles?
With a normal category, I suppose the worst that might happen is that if you have Space:Maastricht followed by Mabbutt, Agnes, jumping to M might go straight to Mabbutt.

1 Answer

+1 vote
RJ found the problem.

We created a work-around in the code that would include free-space profiles under their title rather than "s" in the display, but this doesn't work for the links.
by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
No, Chris.  I found the problem, RJ identified the source of the problem, the Tech Team applied a band-aid.
I don't believe quibbling over who found what, or when, is very helpful.
Nice jab.  I disagree with you on this.

I believe that giving credit where credit is due is the very core of WikiTree.

I will hope that Chris edits his answer appropriately.

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