I have taken the DNA test through Ancestry.com and want to know how to apply it here.

+11 votes
How do I apply the Ancestry.com DNA test results to here?
WikiTree profile: Jane Pugh
in Genealogy Help by
retagged by Doug Lockwood

2 Answers

+7 votes

Have you uploaded it to WikiTree?  If not read how to do it. It's quite easy.

The ancestry.com DNA site is nice but it is better to also have it here on WikiTree because matches for people who took DNA testing through other sites will also match yours here and not on ancestry. Plus on WikiTree you can perform the 21st century type of Genetic Genealogy.

The ancestry.com DNA site is good for gathering the DNA information for genetic genealogy documentation. But it does NOT genetically document relations to ancestors.  it is good to have your DNA results here on WikiTree because matches for people who took DNA testing through other sites will also match yours here (not on ancestry) and enable you to document genetically a relationship with a common ancestor. This is Genetic Geneaology.

Did you know that genealogy in the 21st century is far advanced than even a few years ago, due to Autosomal DNA testing?  Of course the Internet has advanced genealogy research tremendously.  Autosomal DNA testing has opened up Genetic Genealogy which is when we document relations to ancestors genetically which has not been possible before.  It is a really exciting turn of events these days! Ahhhhh, we have come a long way!

If there are questions about DNA on WikiTree after reading what is stated here, please do not hesitate to ask.  We all are collaborating on this great One Human Family Tree together!

Happy Hunting.

by Living Davis G2G1 (1.6k points)
edited by Living Davis
Thank you.

I uploaded the Ancestry.com results to GED.com but honestly, that site is so complex it makes your head hurt.  I'm not a genealogical DNA tests expert and that's what it takes to interpret what they are saying there...
Hi  many thanks for the very informative reply and i apologise for taking so long to reply. just one more question when i see my dna test on the  profile of my grandfather. and then look at each profile in turn eg. grandfather x 2 grandfather x 3 i arrive at say grandfather x6 and the test does not show does this mean i have the wrong person ? I am very new to the dna side of searching and i am still trying to get my head around it.
I have actually only had one 6x gr grandfather match my dna...most are 2 and 3 generations...and it was on the Pugh side...a marriage into the Buchanan's of Virginia.  My 6x gr grandfather was a Buchanan.  They say 6 generations is the max right now for DNA matches and 6 is rare.  So you don't necessarily have the wrong one...  I have great grandfathers that have not matched my DNA yet and I paid for my paternal first cousin-Pugh-to take the DNA test, added it to mine and still no matches to our great grandfathers so it's a weird process...  Great to hear from you cousin!
Hi John,

Your Ancestry test is an autosomal DNA test. Generally an auDNA test can only be useful back to about 3rd or 4th great grandparents (or for comparing with your 4th or 5th cousins). The fact that your Ancestry DNA test information appears on a grandparent's or great grandparent's profile on WikiTree doesn't tell you that the person is 'correct'. It just means that you are connected to him on WikiTree. If you connect a wrong person to your family tree on WikiTree your DNA test information would display on that person's profile as well. You still need to compare your DNA test results with another person's DNA test results to see if you 'match' them. If enough of your DNA matches your cousin's DNA, then you MAY be able to say that you've used DNA to confirm each of your relationships to your common ancestor. Please read this information about using DNA on WikiTree:


+9 votes
Hi Nan, On WikiTree you enter information about the DNA test that was taken on the profile of the person who took the DNA test. If you want your test results to display on the profile of Jane Pugh, you'll need to open a free account at WikiTree and enter your ancestors back to Jane Pugh. Then when you enter your Ancestry test information on WikiTree it will automatically be displayed on her profile, although it can take up to 24 hours for the information to appear. WikiTree only makes the DNA connections once a day.
by Kay Wilson G2G6 Pilot (225k points)
Thank you!

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