hello Patrick..I have traced this Frederick back to his source family in West Virginia. The poster did send me the photo they found, I have found no other photo of him anywhere so I can't compare it to anything, it may be the only photo of Frederick Ogden. It is interesting that you spell the name Ogdon as this was a traditional spelling for these Ogdens who originally came from Maryland, prior to that the info is murky. The claim that the WV Ogdens are related to the "Pilgrim" line of Ogdens from NJ is probably wrong although the WV Ogdens now believe they are from that line...only a Y-DNA test will ever prove or disprove this once and for all, but then also no one from the Pilgrim line has posted any Y-DNA results either for comparison so we may never find out for sure. Are you looking for a picture of Frederick? I'll send you what was sent to me but remember, this may not be him.