The data from the dutch WhoWasWho is now also available via

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WieWasWie op Ancestry

Het CBG en Ancestry sloten eind april een overeenkomst waarin werd overeengekomen dat de miljoenen Nederlandse persoonsgegevens in WieWasWie ook via te doorzoeken zijn.


Ancestry is de de internationale koploper op het gebied van familiegeschiedenis. Door de collectie nu ook via Ancestry te ontsluiten wordt het internationale bereik enorm vergroot. De inkomsten die de samenwerking met zich meebrengt, komen ten goede van de doorontwikkeling van het platform.

The data from the dutch is now also available via

in The Tree House by Pierre Goolaerts G2G6 Mach 2 (27.7k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

Grietje "Margaret" (Valnwegen) Wallace (1710) (LNAB needs correction) was my 6th Gr.Gm. Just found some information on her yesterday. Pennellville, Oswego Co., New York, USA,

Mamakating, Sullivan, New York ColonyBethel, Windsor Co., Vermont, USA. was born Dutch / Netherland. If anybody can find her I would be eternally gratefull. TY, JPVIV


Looking at Grietje's profile and connections:

  • No baptism record found on WieWasWie
  • Highly unlikely LNAB should be changed: "van Nimwegen" is a normal Dutch surname, "VaInwegen" is non existent
  • There is a 40 year age difference between Grietje and husband
  • At birth of son Cornelius Grietje would be age 55
:) thank you for trying to help with this line. I just this week end made this line of connection, it is rough around the edges & needs to be cleaned up. Cornelius was born Wallace, I may have her Birth Date mixed up a little. :)

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Interesting, and you can see it without having a world subscription. I searched "Reynier Quackenbosch and Claesje Jacobs", 1692 in marriage.

...And that made me realize what the "ÿ" means in the "Collections of the New-York Genealogical and Biographical Society" church records of New Netherland. Oh dear. Image result for google smilies

Interessant, en je kunt het zien zonder dat er een wereld abonnement. Ik zocht "Reynier Quackenbosch en Claesje Jacobs" 1692 in het huwelijk.

... En dat deed me beseffen wat de "ÿ" betekent in het "Collecties van het New-York Genealogische en biografische Society" kerk verslagen van Nieuw-Nederland.

Oh jee. Image result for google smilies

Edit: Wait, now it is telling me that I need a world subscription...

Boo. Uitjouwen.

by Carrie Quackenbush G2G6 Mach 8 (82.8k points)
selected by Pierre Goolaerts

Yes I guess my married last name would have been written or translated similar eeh , Wÿma (with the dots) Dutch Wijma... we call it the lange ''ij'' (the long ij ) and yes a lot of names are translated which sometimes is causing that some of them are sooo hard to find if you search for them with the translated version in the Dutch archives. 

Here is some explaining about the ''lange ij'' (Dutch) and English although it is very hard to explain this ''letter'' typing (this letter ''ij'' is not added to any keyboard or typewriter) 

For example my married last name in writing is with the second one from the bottom row typing it is ''ij''  



Guess it's all about the money eeh , really Booo, Uitjouwen !

Just noticed the G2G below this one for sale ?

Well, one does not need any subscription on WieWasWie to search "Reijnier Quackenbosch" and get 5 New York hits, among which the marriage:

As far as I am concerned the only benefit from this could be that the people at WieWasWie start to make a serious effort to translate 100% to English

Oh that's very cool, Bea! The best part is that "ij" is pronounced like a long A.

In my head I've been pronouncing it like the "ig" sound in widget.

Yes that's right of course Jan,but still miss being able to search at wiewaswie without the new limitations, and after the what we all thought was such great news last year, to see wiewaswie all of a sudden decided to start asking money for the more extended search functions was quite a dissapointment of course, and I know it's not a very high price, but still... if they all would decide to work like this it would be quite a disaster...

Ik kan me nog herinneren dat er in het (verre) verleden schrijfmachines zijn geweest die de lette ij wel kenden.

I remember to have seen typewriters with the letter ij on the keybord

keybord with letter ij

Carrie, Do you remember I asked you about a Quackenbush Male that my Dad went to High School with in Baldwinsville, New York?
John, I don't remember that. I had Quackenbushes that lived in my same county and had no idea how I was related to them and my branch hasn't lived in New York since the mid 19th century.

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