Ann, Sarah and her mother Susanna Odell (attached as wife), Mary (Sherwood) have been attached as children of Issac Wheeler. In the biography of Isaac it cautions that there are two Issac and two Martha and I suspect they may have been wrongly connected. I have diligently gone through "History of the Town of Stonington, County of New London, Connecticut" and "The Genealogical and Encyclopedic History of the Wheeler Family in America" as well (not an easy task). There is no record of Issac marrying again, nor were any of these mentioned in his will, according to these records. I'm still new to the one_name_study project and don't know what to do (one profile has 3 managers and I have no idea who I would contact). One has "1st hand knowledge" in the biography, but that's it, and I don't know how to approach that. Help.