DB_Errors on connections

+7 votes

Would be nice to have a db_errors function that check errors on people who are between me and xxx

Example Frank-1225 and Sälgö-1 I guess we have some errors in this 59 step path...

Guess this is a solution that needs to be done on the WikiTree server like the watchlist error report...

Would be cool to integrate this functions so it easy can be called from the standard WikiTree functions like 

in The Tree House by Living Sälgö G2G6 Pilot (312k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
I have been doing something like this manually for people where I suspect bad links (from the you-know-who.ged). The connection game is nice and interesting, but false links are no fun.

3 Answers

+4 votes
Magnus, I do see some errors in these links between profiles, but often I think they are because one or more of the profiles represent someone who is perhaps legendary or there is some doubt about the relationship between two profiles, but I'm not sure what the db-errors would look for to make that judgement?
by John Atkinson G2G6 Pilot (674k points)

Db-error check for logical errors like father dead before birth

Just one such an error makes the whole connection invalid....

I hope we start getting errors for {{Unsourced}} profiles also....==> it will be a warning that we have weak links with facts without evidences... 


AJ's and Bacon's reports are obvious prime targets.

There are a few errors, but they don't necessarily mean the line is bad, they could be just poor date guesses or typos.

My suggestion is that we get it for all relations. 

Example the relation between me and the Swedish Prime minister could be easy checked with an report that is available on the following page with a link....

Löfven-1 and Sälgö-1


+3 votes
Go to the profile 10 steps from the start, and 30, and 50, and look at their personal reports.

Since the reports go out 10 steps in all directions, the whole trail is covered in those 3 reports, though mixed in with other stuff.
by Living Horace G2G6 Pilot (668k points)

Very mixed I would say.... for a 59 step relation... or just cover it in one report and create a 59 generation report from me ;-) 

gives 27436 profiles with 1632 errors....

I would guess that the Watchlist database error report function and this could be implemented in the same way..... both are a report based on a number of WikiTree ids

+2 votes
I have 2 ways of doing that.

1. Make a global tree in 2d world with all relations as lines connecting each node. That was my goal from beginning, but it is too much data for human to look at it and make sense. Then I could use our internal routing algorithm to find shortest path between any two persons. It was never tested on so much data, so I don't know if it will work.

2. On the fly calculation. I would iterate from both persons generations until I find common person. That would work for maximum of 30-40 generations in a few seconds. Then number of connected profiles would go into millions of profiles and it would no longer be fast enough to verify if connection exits, And even then I wouldn't know the path. This must be precalculated to one person, like Wikitree does it, Then it can be done quickly.

I will try to make one of this possibilities work in the future. Also you should know, that my global tree has 6M profiles. That is 2M less than Wikitree, since they use also private connections, that I don't see and cannot use.
by Aleš Trtnik G2G6 Pilot (878k points)
My thought was to use WikiTree as you do with the Watchlist ==> I assume you in the watchlist function get a list of WikiTree ID:s....

As WikiTree has functions for finding out relations it feels easier that on the pages display a relation as above then they could call your server with the displayed WikiTreeIDs....

As we know now that we have a lot of error in the database.... getting a list of 59 step to Frank-1255 I guess such a long paths is nothing you can trust....
Relation finder is not included in wikitree's API.

If Chris adds it, then it would be possible.

Aleš Trtnik  I requested to get a property in WikiData and yesterday we got Property:P2949. I have spent the afternoon now to populate it with WikiTreeID ==> we now have 500+ Wikidata profiles with WikiTree profile IDs. ==> many new possibilities open up....

Dependent of your priorities in life but Quality check WikiTree with data on Wikipedia feels like an excellent idea.... They have all the basic relations like child, father, birth location, death location etc.....

Reports are written in SPARQL and data is RDF 

Example of a Query http://tinyurl.com/zaafzwc

That fetch all data in WikiData with WikiTreeID and displays the locations for birth, dead, buried on a map

See also video....

The result can also be enbedded in a web page as a Iframe see my blog post that has the result of the query http://tinyurl.com/jxrb4h5

More cool queries

http://tinyurl.com/z6zjk4u Pictures from Wikidata of actors in WikiData marked with WikiTreeID property

http://tinyurl.com/jew4rsn Pictures of politicians in WikiTree .....

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