Week End Chat....All Members Invited!!! July 8-10, 2016

+15 votes

Hi Gang!


This is an ongoing "Chat" post that can be added to throughout the weekend.  All members of WikiTree are encouraged to join in, especially first-timers!



Say Hello and introduce yourself... where are you from and what are your interests?


Leaders, Mentors, Greeters, Pilots - What tips can you share with us today?


What improvements can we make?


What do you enjoy most about WikiTree?


Do you have any stories to share about famous or notorius ancestors?


What projects are you involved in, and how are they going?


What's the weather been like in your neck-of-the-woods?


... anything that you want to talk about!



Post answers here, comment on answers, up-vote things you like or agree with and have fun!  To receive notice when future Chats are posted, add Weekend_Chat to the list of Tags you follow.  You can edit your list by clicking on "My Feed" on G2G, then click to "add or edit". 

in The Tree House by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Well, I have been near computerless (withdrawals are a B@#$%) since my last post. Going to the Library for a 3 hour session 5 days a week, and so much going on around me that I couldn't concentrate. Now my new puter has arrived.  My old one works, but I can no longer connect to the internet, lappies don't like being dropped and the old one made to the floor 4 times.  I would download census records for Union County AR onto a flash, and then take it home to transcribe. I nearly have 1850 Union done. Only two more short townships, and then need to create the freepages for them and link all the inhouse profiles.

I did manage to get a couple of counties of the AR Project set up. So now I can compete those.

I'm still gathering stuff to donate to the Erskine/Lake Isabella (CA) fire. We are still getting pollution from it.

8 Answers

+11 votes
I hope everyone had a great week. It feels like a steam bath in my neck of the woods, but I prefer that to the bitter cold.

Slow & steady week for me....a lot of interest in the One Name Studies project lately. I think we added 10 people this week. Other than that, I spent my time integrating G2G answers.

What's new?
by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
You have my sympathy. I can't live in hot & humid. Just one of the reasons, I love living in Reno, NV. Another is that my family has been in this area since the 1860s, on the maternal side; the 1880s, on the paternal.
+9 votes

Edmonston Edmonston Edmonston all night long as far & wide as I could reach... lol 

Seems Ninian Beall Edmonston Married His Cousin: 

Dorothy Brooke (Edmonston) Edmonston w/ many profiles duplicated. OUCH! 

BTW, I added links & left posts to the pre-1500s profiles that I could not reach. & edited many Edmonston / Edmonstone profiles. Source: http://www.edmonstone.com/ . 

Fun Fun Fun ! Think I'll edit some easy-peasy stuff for awhile...anybody need counties / parished added to profiles ? lol HAGD Ya'll :) JPVIV

by Anonymous Vickery G2G6 Pilot (266k points)
+11 votes
Wilcoxson / Willcocks / Wilcott / Willcocsonne / Wylcocks  ...so many ways to spell Wilcox...

I'm enjoying some time looking over the Wilcox Tree and trying to connect the Stratford, Connecticut American line to Biggin, Derbyshire, England and then possibly to Denbigh, Denbghshire, Wales.

While my mind wonders to the various theories on how the Wilcox name was born, I've been adding and adopting some Wilcoxson descendants. Luckily, there are a couple people who have more experience and have been helping me clean up some sons and daughters with merging a few duplicates.

Overall, a pretty good week and learning a lot as I gain more confidence adding sources and information to profiles. By the way, is there a One Name Study for Wilcox yet? How do I join? If not, can we start one?
by Heather Remacle G2G1 (1.3k points)
I'll sign you up & send you a message.
Thank you! I started the new One Name Study project today and hopefully get some interest from other Wilcox descendants.
+8 votes
I was a bit worried as the internet was down on my computer when I got up, but it wasn't on my wifes computer and she has a direct connection to the router so all I had to do was shut off the power to the router and let it reboot and the WiFi was ok.  It had been a while since the internet had gone down, so I guess I had no reason to complain.  

I've been working on sorting out my DNA matches on GEDmatch by chromosome since I want to figure out who the particular connections apply to in my ancestry.  

My 1st cousin once removed got her father  (my first cousin) an AncestryDNA kit for father's day and I'm looking forward to seeing what that reveals.  I've alreadyt got 590 cMs matched with her and her father should be about twice that.
by Living Dardinger G2G6 Pilot (453k points)
+12 votes

Well, I've spent most of the week wishing for a time machine, not to take me back to find my long lost ancestor, but to remind my 1980's self to record the sources for the pages and pages of research I did back then! I have a four inch notebook of names, dates, and family connections that were all from reliable sources, none of which I recorded.

Perhaps I need one of these instead of the time machine.

Butt Kicking machine.

by Jim Lynch G2G5 (5.1k points)
I feel your pain, Jim - not from the "machine" you posted, but from not sourcing when I started this hobby.  More than 30 years later, there are still a few bits of information I have that I still can't source.
+8 votes
Thanks Doug!

So how did the dog owners do over the 4th?

My dog did fine but in years past we had to give out a sedative.
by Michael Stills G2G6 Pilot (543k points)
the dog from across the street got out and hid under my house through the fireworks. She has finally going back to her house this weekend but if I go outside I have to take time and talk to her.
+8 votes
Well, I'm having fun working on a project concerning my ancestors (plus families connected either by blood or marriage) and their interactions with Native Americans.

It occurred to me one day that there had been a lot of them and when I compiled them there were even more than I'd realized.  They run the full gamut of relationships -- from humorous to horrific and from marriages to massacres (both as victim and perpetrator).  When I finish telling the stories I'll have a document (illustrated) about 100 pages long (including sources).

I live in a retirement community and I've been asked to make a presentation, which I think will be fun.

Let me know if you're interested in seeing it.
by Living Prickett G2G6 Mach 9 (99.5k points)
+4 votes
Gone Spelunking in The Ozarks . . . Maybe I'll get some nicer rocks this time. I'll be back IDK when, maybe a couple days. Peace Out, Ya'll, JPVIV
by Anonymous Vickery G2G6 Pilot (266k points)

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