Posted on the Name study page as well:
I'm descended from Adolphous "Dolphous" Stone, 1828–1870, Lincoln County, Tennessee
I'm in a disagreement with Beverly on his parentage, and am looking for more data. I posit he is the child of Nancy Franklin of Burke, NC and William N. Stone Jr., whom I have as 1792–1829, born Franklin County, North Carolina and died in Franklin County, Tennessee, USA
1810 Census, Franklin Co., NC has 1 male aged 16-25 named William N Stone, and 1 female aged 26-44. This meshes with a young son (I have the Jr. as 18 at this point) and his mother (my hunch is Elizabether Miller, who would be 33). I believe the absent father to be (Pvt.) William Nichols Stone 1763–1856, born Halifax, Halifax, North Carolina, died Rusk, Texas
1820 Census (Aug 7 1820), Burke, North Carolina (where Nancy Franklin was born). listed under name William Stone (no middle initial) has the correct number of ages and noses for wife Nancy, and children William, Sarah Ann, George
Tracing the nose counts, we both have a very compelling trail for all the kids and Nancy to move west, and a solid trail thereafter. 1830 Census, in Franklin, TN, listed under name Nancy Stone, and it has the correct number/ages for all 6 kids, including no adult males (I have William having died in 1829). We can follow the Widow Stone to a possible Brother-in law's home, and then with her daughter near the end of her life.
Beverly contends that a DNA expert has disproven the relationship of this William Stone as being a father of Dolphous and company, however I do not have the details on the disparity.
What I do have is in Ancestry Thrulines (so *matched* DNA to "reported" parentage), for:
Pvt. William Nichols Stone, 21 matches, 15 to my posited William N Stone, Jr., 5 to Lemuel, and 3 to a heretofore unknown brother of theirs, John.
Elizabeth Miller, 14 matches, all with no husband identified, for 3 siblings, Elizabeth C, Stone, George W. Stone and Charles Miller Stone
Pvt. John Edward Franklin, 32 matches to every manner of Nancy Franklin's siblings, along with Nancy
Mary Polly Irwin (same 32 matches)
If anyone is part of those matches, or knows anything of these branches, I'm looking to find what other connections I can.