Samuel Olmsted of East Haddam, CT is #134 in the 1912 genealogy Olmsted Family in America (under the alternate spelling of the surname as wiki "Olmstead-155" as in later records he apparently used that form of the surname). He is the son of William Olmsted and Mary Brainard. Samuel married Esther Roberts and they have nine children. The 1912 genealogy states he served as in Capt. Kellogg's Co. of the 17th Conn. Reg't.
Samuel moved from Connecticut to Canaan, Albany Co., NY (Canaan was is in the portion of Albany Co that became Columbia Co in April 1786).
In the DAR Patriot Index he is #A086314 with service as an Ensign in Robert VanRensselaer's 8th NY Regt and also the Albany Co Militia.