Looking for family Clarke from dover, england around 1910

+3 votes
My mother was joan irene clarke, twin of anne clarke. Younger sister naomi clarke . My mother was born about 1910 in kent, lived in dover.
in Genealogy Help by
Do you have a E/Mail address. I am still working on Joan Irene Clarke.

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Wayne Morgan Wiki Tree
Hi, thank you so much for your help! My email address is janet119@gmail.com

3 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
Who did  Joan Irene Clarke marry,and what year she died.??

Having problems locating her birth family.
by Wayne Morgan G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
She married Don Puddicombe in Montreal Canada when she was in her 40's.

She died 2007, in Halifax, Canada.

She had trained London as an RN. She always said she returned to Dover until she joined "the overseas nursing corps". I can't find anything on that either.

She was my mom, and I know very little about her.

Thank you so much for your help.
+2 votes
Do you have any of her personal papers ?? Where she served as a

registered nurse.What is date 2007 death.Is that Halifax Nova Scotia??

There has got to be a record of her somewhere.!!!! Did you know Naomi

or Anne.Odd do not see her 1911 U.K. Census.Or what you know about

by Wayne Morgan G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
She passed away January 28, 2007 halifax Nova scotia. I never met anyone in her family. I know she grew up fairly wealthy as she had never seen the inside of a kitchen before she married my dad.

Anne/ann was her twin, Naomi was a younger sister. I beleive anne eventually ended up living abroad somewhere. No idea at all about Naomi.

I know she trained in London, worked for a very short while in Dover as a nurse. She was stationed in Kenya, China and god knows where else. She never talked about her past much.  I dont even know her parents names or what her father did.

I have tried numerous times to find info about her. I am almost at the conclusion she was a spy and everything she told me is a fabrication...LOL although she did wear the RCN pin on her nurses uniform.

Thank you so very much for your assistance.
I think (heavy on the think part) that Ann might have become a linguist. I know my mom went to boarding school and her twin did not.

Oh my moms full name was joan irene mary clarke.

When I was a teen I did catch a glimpse of moms birth certicate. Place of birth was definitly Kent. I assumed that was a town, but I see it is a county.

She may not have been born 1910... I also have 1916 in my head for some reason. I know almost nothing about mom. Except from the day she arrived in Canada.
If it helps, she was born on July 4th.
+2 votes
Canada has freedom of information also.You can do it online.You need

to obtain form, IMM5744, Apply online,


In the meantime you need to document who you are and everything you

know about the family,have it Notarized.

England also has freedom of info online.Keep me posted,my email

by Wayne Morgan G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
I still have not found my mom. Only thing i found is her birth year was 1918.

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