Creating new profiles that contain errors.

+15 votes
New errors in Wikitree will continue until some of the logic built into the data base error reports is added to the system when profiles are created.  Is anything planned to reduce this error possibility?  For example you can enter a place of birth of ill

ill - not a place (generates a line item on the exception reports.

Same with creating a person with no gender.
in The Tree House by Jim Vondrak G2G6 Mach 1 (11.6k points)
retagged by Maggie N.
There area  number of cases when it is perfectly correct to create a person of unknown gender-

Infants buried without a documented name or gender.

Census indicates additional children  died before this census.

Child or sibling with a name that "could be either."

Sometimes you can determine the gender through later research, but not always.
True, but still there should be a warning, that there is no gender. You can then ignore the warning, but this cases are rare.
Agree- warning is the right approach.

2 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
I think some things were done to prevent new errors.

For instance Gender is colored so you see immediately it is missing.

Profile without any dates can't be entered. Although you can delete it later.

But there is still room for a lot of simple checking at input point, that would prevent some errors.
by Aleš Trtnik G2G6 Pilot (853k points)
selected by Living Sälgö
+5 votes
The idea is worth consideration. It would be beneficial to the site, members and researchers.
by J Murray G2G6 Mach 3 (38.7k points)

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