How do I upload my Ancestry DNA data? I entered my user name - is it automatically uploaded? Thanks!

+8 votes
in Genealogy Help by Christopher Choate G2G Crew (370 points)
retagged by Peter Roberts

2 Answers

+5 votes

On your page you should see have you taken a DNA test click it or Look at the top right had corner see add button next to your name click it and click DNA or go to are you willing to discuss and compare results with other WikiTree members? Great! Please select your test below. 

We will attach the fact that you have taken the test to appropriate profiles in your family tree. This could result in some wonderful connections and insights for you and others

by Linda Stewart G2G6 Mach 1 (15.4k points)
+5 votes
Adding AncestryDNA is simply telling WikiTree you tested with AncestryDNA and adding your GEDmatch ID.   You have done that correctly.  Congratulations!  At about midnight Eastern Time, DNA information gets associated with one's ancestry.  So nothing will happen until some of your ancestry in your GEDCOM is added to WikiTree.

Try very hard to not duplicate people already in WikiTree.  Merging duplicates can be very time consuming (especially for new users).

Sincerely, Peter
by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (762k points)
Hello,I am new here and trying to learn from the posted questions and answers.  But now I have another question:

 I have Ancestry DNA too,  but I do not have a GEDmatch ID.  How do I get one?  Must I have one?  

By way of background, I do not have any genealogy software.  Am starting from scratch, copying information from one profile at a time.  But I don't know anything about GEDmatch IDs.  Are they required for Wikitree?  Required for DNA matching?

Colour me taking it in a little at a time.

Thank you

Hello Pat,

To get a GEDmatch ID register at and follow GEDmatch's instructions to upload your AncestryDNA information there.  GEDmatch will then tell you your GEDmatch ID.  Then enter your GEDmatch ID on your DNA Tests page at

GEDmatch IDs are not required but adding your GEDmatch ID to WikiTree is the only easy way you can compare your autosomal DNA with your relatives who tested with 23andMe or with Family Tree DNA's Family Finder.  It will also allow you to see shared segments with relatives who tested with AncestryDNA (which AncestryDNA does not allow you to do on it's own).  Shared segments come from shared ancestors.

GEDmatch is free and has many exceedingly helpful features.  If you join GEDmatch's Tier 1 level (for $10 a month) then you can easily see the ancestral trees of your matches (if their tree is in WikiTree or GEDmatch).

Sincerely, Peter
Fab Peter!  thanks I'll try that.  pat

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