Hofrat's duties?

+2 votes
What would a Hofrat living in an early 19th-century village in Saxony be responsible for doing? I have several ancestors/relatives in the village of Blankenheim (currently in Sachsen-Anhalt, near Sangerhausen) described as Hofrat.  I also have people described as Gerichtsschultheis there and don't have an exact sense of what they did either--would magistrate be a good translation for that? (These are not people I have added to Wikitree yet.)

I've seen Hofrat translated as Privy Councillor, but that's not terribly informative.
in The Tree House by Karla Huebner G2G6 Mach 1 (14.8k points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Hofrat: After the end of the Holy Roman Empire just a honorific for higher public officials, does not describe any particular activity.

Gerichtsschultheiß: Probably closest to bailiff.
by Helmut Jungschaffer G2G6 Pilot (622k points)

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