Leslie-485 John Leslie is marked Uncertain and I don't understand can I Please get some Help

+4 votes
in The Tree House by Donnie Blackstone G2G6 Pilot (296k points)

2 Answers

+2 votes

If you mean that he is marked as uncertain as father of James Lessley, I'd say that it's pretty certain that he is NOT the father of James, since John died in 1681 and James was born around 1700 (which makes sense when looking at when HIS children were born).

There are no sources entered for John, although it should be possible to find and enter sources. It does not seem likely that his birth year is off the mark (again, it fits with his other children). If his death year is wrong, he would have been a very old man when fathering James. Not impossible, but not very likely.


by Eva Ekeblad G2G6 Pilot (600k points)
I got thi s Lesley /Leslie /Lessie all figured out,  I'm not sure if I merged them our someone else but the separate now , Thanks

You correctly disconnected James Lessley from John, which is good.

I think you should also take a look at Agnas Smith, the mother of James. Facts speak against her being married to John Leslie. She is a lot younger than him and John Leslie's wife Anne (who is of John's own generation) survives her husband, so there is just no free time for Agnas to have been married to him. She may have been married to a different John Lessley, for all I know.

+3 votes

I'm not a mentor, and hope that I'm actually answering your question (not sure!0

I can't see actually see anything that is marked as uncertain except for the birth date   which is marked as about .

 This date 7th Feb 1631 and his death date 26 July 1681 must have come from somewhere but they have no source , There are no sources at all and the profile rightly has an Unsourced template. 

 There's not even a link to his Wikipedia article or any title or any inkling of where those  portraits come from

 (  the article  for him on Wikipedia was taken  completely from the old edition of the National Biography which is a secondary source, but it does have it's own list of sources . Some of these could be followed up  . A  citation to this article  would be better than no source at all https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Leslie,_John_(1630-1681)_(DNB00)

(edit didn't notice about the uncertain son mentioned above, would agree with that)

by Helen Ford G2G6 Pilot (493k points)
You are, of course, quite right in asking for sources. These people aren't in my field of interest at all; I'm just interested in getting the logic straigth.
Ok I got it all straight I don't know how it got messed up I'm related to both set's of Lesley, Lessie family's, I guess when I was trying to find parents I assume they was the same family the main reason I didn't know what to do is that Andrew Jackson is connected to the family and with them coming from Ireland and both name's John Lesslie, confused me , while it is right now thank y'all for looking out , I thank I had all the Lesley family I can handle for a day or two, lol
King Charles ll, of South Carolina had a Captain James Lesslie and a William Lesslie I'm sure this is a connection to my family they all seem to have had contacts with the King Charles ll , South Carolina Colony do y'all have anything one of his Grandchildren was President Andrew Jackson if I'm not mistaken because Andrew Jackson lines up to being my 1 Cousins 8 times removed and James Lesslie would have probably been in Old Pendleton District at the time of all this , I thank I'm just going on things I heard my Hooper family lived right beside Andrew Jackson as children and Andrew Jackson gave my family a lot of Land Hiawassee, Georgia and Sylvia,  Jackson County, N.C,  this area is my family for a long time my Absalom Hooper Revolutionary War Soldier 1757-1845 and Sarah Salers /Silas got married in Pistol Creek G.A lived in Pendleton District and later Franklin County, N.C (later named Jackson County) my Hooper family had the say so to change the name at this time so I'm sure this Captain James Lesslie is the right one. Thank's for all the help

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