King Charles ll, of South Carolina had a Captain James Lesslie and a William Lesslie I'm sure this is a connection to my family they all seem to have had contacts with the King Charles ll , South Carolina Colony do y'all have anything one of his Grandchildren was President Andrew Jackson if I'm not mistaken because Andrew Jackson lines up to being my 1 Cousins 8 times removed and James Lesslie would have probably been in Old Pendleton District at the time of all this , I thank I'm just going on things I heard my Hooper family lived right beside Andrew Jackson as children and Andrew Jackson gave my family a lot of Land Hiawassee, Georgia and Sylvia, Jackson County, N.C, this area is my family for a long time my Absalom Hooper Revolutionary War Soldier 1757-1845 and Sarah Salers /Silas got married in Pistol Creek G.A lived in Pendleton District and later Franklin County, N.C (later named Jackson County) my Hooper family had the say so to change the name at this time so I'm sure this Captain James Lesslie is the right one. Thank's for all the help