Section Reports Item Ancestors
I added links in ancestors table for each wikitree-ID to get it's ancestor table.
Using this links you can navigate down through the table.
Is there a reason Descendants is not activated on the search form...
The URL seems to work
Ok the report is cool Stockhaus-3 is Hans Stockhaus who the Swedish king hired from Germany in 1500 because he needed blacksmiths that could create better weapons. I was yesterday on a museum in Stockholm with another Wikitree person Fernqvist-1 to see what he maybe had produced...
Many people doing genealogy know if they are related to a blacksmith as they are well documented in Sweden....
Hello Mikey,
Some surname projects have confirmed direct paternal lines beyond 20 generations but they have not yet shared that information on WikiTree. Why is beyond my understanding. The best WikiTree can currently demonstrate is 19 generations from Duldig-2 to Neville-219 confirmed by the matching mtDNA of Duldig-2 and York-1245 So I think you are correct (for now) that there is no 20 generation pedigree that we can be sure about.
What is Ahnentafel
People who has done oldschool genealogy used it...