Will this man's name break WikiTree?

+10 votes

As stated in Wikipedia, the short version of his name is Hubert Blaine Wolfe­schlegel­stein­hausen­berger­dorff, Sr.

His full name is:

Adolph Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Gerald Hubert Irvin John Kenneth Lloyd Martin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy Randolph Sherman Thomas Uncas Victor William Xerxes Yancy Zeus Wolfe­schlegel­stein­hausen­berger­dorff­welche­vor­altern­waren­gewissen­haft­schafers­wessen­schafe­waren­wohl­gepflege­und­sorg­faltig­keit­be­schutzen­vor­an­greifen­durch­ihr­raub­gierig­feinde­welche­vor­altern­zwolf­hundert­tausend­jah­res­voran­die­er­scheinen­von­der­erste­erde­mensch­der­raum­schiff­genacht­mit­tung­stein­und­sieben­iridium­elek­trisch­motors­ge­brauch­licht­als­sein­ur­sprung­von­kraft­ge­start­sein­lange­fahrt­hin­zwischen­stern­artig­raum­auf­der­suchen­nach­bar­schaft­der­stern­welche­ge­habt­be­wohn­bar­planeten­kreise­drehen­sich­und­wo­hin­der­neue­rasse­von­ver­stand­ig­mensch­lich­keit­konnte­fort­pflanzen­und­sicher­freuen­an­lebens­lang­lich­freude­und­ru­he­mit­nicht­ein­furcht­vor­an­greifen­vor­anderer­intelligent­ge­schopfs­von­hin­zwischen­stern­art­ig­raum, Senior.

Will his profile blow up WikiTree's servers? (No, I am not volunteering to create it and see.)

P. S. If you are wondering what his surname means, he explained it thusly:

It tells a story of a wolf-killer, a resident of a stonehouse in a village, whose ancestors were conscientious shepherds whose sheep were well fed and carefully guarded against attack by ferocious enemies and whose ancestors 1,200,000 years before the first earth man, in a space ship made with tungsten and seven iridium motors and using light as a source of power, started a long journey across interstellar space, searching for a star around which was an inhabitable planet where they could establish a new race of intelligent mankind and where they would live long, happy lives and be free from attack by other intelligentsia from the outer space from whence they came.

in WikiTree Tech by Stephen Reeves G2G5 (6.0k points)
Would be interesting to have a birth record for him. Somehow the explanation of the origin of the name does not sound very convincing.
I think we can be confident that the"Sr." was not part of  his LNAB.

2 Answers

+6 votes
I don't know if Stephen is really looking for an answer, but for the record, Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff would be fine. And something two or three times longer than that, but not the ridiculously long version.
by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)

Ok, good to know.

Now, how about little "Bobby Tables" from the xkcd webcomic? :)

+4 votes
It can be stated with almost certainty that this person was not born with this (long version) name. The Wikipedia article states he was born in 1904 in Hamburg-Bergedorf. Hamburg did have a law regulating names since 1810 which among other things forbade made up ("erdichtete") names. The impetus of the laws forcing Jews to drop patronymics and carry "regular" family names as part of getting more civil rights was to make them less distinct and the choice of name was not usually voluntary. That is not to say that the story of how this name came about is wrong, just that it is not very likely that it was a legal family name. Of course, I would love to be proven wrong by the birth record!
by Helmut Jungschaffer G2G6 Pilot (621k points)

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