Who are the parents of Jesse Phillips b. 1817 in Wagarville, AL married to Margaret Ann Sullivan

+9 votes
Phillips-17037 born in Wagarville, AL 1817 married to Margaret Ann Sullivan (Sullivan-3451) Married about 1847, I believe in Mississippi. I don't know any details about his parents other than they were born in GA. They had children born in Jackson County, MS,  and Washington, MS but it looks like they all migrated to San Miguel, Sabine Parish, Louisiana although he was buried in Shreveport, Bossier Parish LA cemetery unknown. Children are Phillips-17315, Phillips-17316, Phillips-13358 and Phillips-17320.
in Genealogy Help by Terri Viola G2G5 (5.5k points)

2 Answers

+4 votes
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Terri, Jesse's father was Charles Phillips, Jr.  Charles was born in Wilkes Co., GA abt 1781.  Jesse was born to Charles' 2nd wife, Elizabeth (Boswell?)  in 1817 in Clarke Co., AL.  Jesse married Margaret Sullivan about 1847 whose father was Owen Sullivan, Jr. of Wagarville, AL.  I was shown a letter in 1970 by Sheriff T. M. Phillips of Many, LA from Wagarville to Margaret Sullivan Phillips, his grandmother.  Interestingly enough, Owen Sullivan. Jr. was married to his second wife, one Anne Phillips Farr (Pharr).  She was a widow of James Farr, and the daughter of George Phillips, who died in 1798, leaving a widow, Elizabeth Collins Phillips, and two children, John b. 1785, and Anne, b.  ?  I have not been able to connect George Phillips with Charles Phillips, Jr. but George possibly may have been an Uncle to Charles, Jr and a brother to Charles, Sr.  There were a lot of Phillipses in that area and I have not been able to document their relationships.  I'm not good at researching records and no one else seems to have made the connections either.  If you are a member of Ancestry.com, you might be able to access the file "bnorman155" which has some of the Phillips family tree to which I have contributed.  Beverly Norman is descended from Zachariah C. Phillips who may have been Jesse's brother or perhaps, his Uncle, we don't know who Zachariah's father was.  However, my PhillipsFamilyTree DNA matches exactly with Zachariah's grandson.  We are Phillips Group 31 which at this time has only seven contributors of Phillips DNA which comprised Group 31.  I wish we had DNA samples from other brothers, sons, grandsons, g-grandsons, etc.  We do not have a sample from Jesse Phillips' family with whom I presently am in contact.  My contact with that family is Walter Bounds of Carthage, TX and I have attended one of their reunions.  I'm not sure they have a male Phillips remaining.
by Hugh Phillips G2G Crew (800 points)
selected by Terri Viola
OMGosh... thank you so much! I have been looking for this information for 2 years!!!! I hope it is correct. This Margaret Sullivan is the daughter of Cornelius Sullivan x Mary Bassett, though. Do you have any documentation for Margaret being the daughter of Owen? Their daughter, Margaret Jane "Katie" Phillips Hardin is my great great grandmother. She married Berry Baker Hardin There is a Phillips male descendant living if I am not mistaken. Jesse x Margaret had a son, George Wesley. George's son, Francis Arthur has some living sons and I have the contact information of their sister, Frances.. I'll see what I can figure out! I'm in the Phillips group on FTDNA...
Well, you reminded me of something I knew.  I visited with Francis and his wife, Maxine Ross Phillips years ago in West Monroe and I believe they had three sons.  One son is living in Star, MS where my grandfather was born but I can't recall his name offhand.  Also, you won't be interested in this, but Maxine was my cousin through the Ross family so while they weren't related, they were both cousins to me.  Their daughter lives in W. Monroe also but I don't recall her name which is buried in my handwritten notes, a pile about 2 ft. thick.
You can contact me by email at JohnCalvin_2@yahoo.com.
Hello! I am a Phillips and ancestry DNA said I was related to an Isaac Sullivan Ellett born Jan 24th 1829 in Madison, Alabama and his wife Mary Catherine Vann. Does anyone know anything about them and how they may be related to the Phillips family? Thank you!
+3 votes
Thanks so much for looking... I did their write up on Wiki Tree myself, so I have that information. What I can't find is the information on their parents!
by Terri Viola G2G5 (5.5k points)
Found this article online. Charles Phillips Jr. and his wife, Sarah had a son Clement. Sarah was pregnant and scalped by the Indians:

Since this original posting, I have some additional information. I have a distant cousin. He and I share Jesse Phillips x Margaret Sullivan as a common ancestor. He is showing some DNA matching to the father of the wife of Charles Phillips, whose wife was scalped at the battle of Ft. Sinquefield (Sarah Sally Smith, daughter of Nathan Smith X Sarah Sally Foster Smith). I am wondering if anyone has any sources on the birth of Jesse Phillips or proof that he may have been born before Sarah Sally Smith, wife of Charles Phillips was killed at the battle of Ft. Sinquefield? I did find a copy of Jesse's death certificate and it does not give his parents name or a definite birthdate, although it says 1817. I do know that they came from Wilkes County, GA and migrated down to Washington County, Alabama. Any help is appreciated....

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