When and where did Lindsay Belding die?

+1 vote
My husban and son, (gr gr gr grandsons of Lindsay) are trying to find information on Lindsay Beldin to document their relationship to Othneil, his grandfather. They can link themselves to my husband's father, grandfather, and gr grandfather, but then the documentation dies out.

Do you have documentation for the Beldin line from Sylvester Lindsay BELDIN(G) linking him to Lindsay BELDING?
WikiTree profile: Belding-163
in Genealogy Help by Margie Stein G2G Rookie (160 points)

5 Answers

+2 votes

Margie the linked profile is not public.  There are no relations and no locations visible to most of the people who you have asked to help you.


you need to provide at least the information that you have for others to assist you.  If you provide LESS than all that you know, then you should expect us to have LESS success than you have had.
If you want to ask the question of the person who manages that wikitree profile, then use the private message link on that profile page that looks like this...
Profile manager: Deanna Cordell private message [send private message] | Last profile change on 7 October 2011
by Wombat Allen G2G6 Mach 2 (26.0k points)
Thanks, sorry about the lack of information. I will work on seeing why the tree is not public. I may have some living individuals listed so will delete the living and make the tree public.

Thanks for your kind suggestion.

+2 votes
death: 1875


cannot go further with out additional informantion to confirm this.
by Living Lechner G2G6 Mach 7 (71.9k points)
Should be your line.
Duh! Sorry about making it impossible for you to help even though you would like to.

Let me look at the tree and see why it is private.

Thanks for  your efforts.

+2 votes
I believe you will find the answer in Sylverter's death certificate, where his parents are listed as Lindsay Belding and Jane Garrison. The informant was Josephine Beldin, his wife. Also check 1850 census for him with his parents in Barton, Tioga, NY
Thanks, Christy. We do have those sources. However, in spite of having what we thought were adequate sources, the genealogist for the local SAR said these documents were not enough to prove my husband's relationship even though we have many documents proving his relationship to Sylvester and Othneil has been well-documented by the DAR.

The link, Lindsay, is not strong that's why we are looking for a death record or marriage info, birth info, something that would strengthen Sylvester's death certificate and the census.

Margie Beldin
+2 votes

Sylvester is listed with his father in the 1850 census for Barton, Tioga, New York. His father is listed as Alinsey Belden.

I found proof of Lindsey's father (Amos Belden/ing) which was found in the Cooperstown, Owego, New York courthouse. This has been accepted by the DAR.


by Marie Hvezda G2G1 (1.7k points)
+2 votes
Lindsay's death was in 1873 in Sinnamahoning according to The History of Cameron County. I don't have the reference here at the moment, but he apparently lived in Potter County.
by Marie Hvezda G2G1 (1.7k points)
Thank you. We have that book so I'll go back and check it as I have 1875/6 as his death year. However, the book and Ancestral File are secondary sources and not acceptable to the DAR. I'm looking for something more reliable.  Thanks for your help. Obviously, the exact date and place may never be known.

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