Michiel Frederik Pentz who married on 4/9/1814 Anna Christina Marthina Taute

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I am doing the Taute family tree and would like to learn more about the descendants of this family.

Michiel Frederik Pentz b 20/12/1807 d 27/3/1866 Somerset Hospital Cape Town, m on 27/5/1832 Anna Chritina Marthina Taute b 29/12/1813, d 4/9/1846. I believe there were six dhildren:

   Michiel Frederik Pentz b 23/6/1834,  Michiel Frederik Pentz b 2/12/1836,  Sophia Rebecca Pentz d 1867 m Leuring,   Johanna Dorothea b 29/2/1844,  Petrus Johannes Pentz,   Geertruyda Aronolda Nalida Pentz.
WikiTree profile: Michiel Pentz
in Genealogy Help by
recategorized by Chris Whitten

2 Answers

0 votes
I am a PENTZ decendent, with my mother being one of the living sisters left, whose father was James Alexander PENTZ b 15/8/1896 in Wellington.

From the Taute query you have I can supply you with information that may help you further.
by Selwyn Bosch G2G1 (1.1k points)
Selwyn I would love to get the information. Can you email me to dalene@calvary.co.za please so I can get your email address?
0 votes
I do not have any info on the Pentz family line, but do have info on the Taute-line. Am too trying to connect the unknown father (married to Isit Martha King [ID-King-8200] of Hilton Treguna Taute-5 who married Thora van der Walt-271 and had 3 children: Jéan P. Taute (still living somewhere in the Free State or Witbank) and Carol T Pitout (now living in Cairns, Australia with grownup daughters of her own). The third child Wayne H. Taute lived only 2 days (14/1/1955-16/1/55). Carol and Jean are my cousins. Hope this completes some part of the puzzle. Regards, Philip van der Walt (Van Der Walt-363)
by Living Van der Walt G2G1 (1.5k points)
I do have the information on the Tautes you need. It is a large file, so can email it to you if you have broadband. email me on dalene@calvary.co.za and I will send you the relevant portion from the family tree.

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