Thanks for responding again. First of all believe me nothing you could say would shock or offend me. I make it a point to tell everyone that if they are not prepared for surprises or to read something they may not be able to handle they should not do genealogy research. So you can not offend me.
As for the possibility of African American in my blood line, of course that is a possibility. In at lest one incident I have a perfect DNA match with a Jason Medlock Christian, Jason is the son of James Allen Christian who was the son of James Allen Christian. James Allen Christian was the son of George Daniel Chrfistian who moved from Goochland Virginia to Wilcox, Alabama. George was the son of Charles Hunt Christian of Charles City Virginia. In 1832 George Christian died and in his will (which I found a copy of), George wills a number of slaves and property to each of his chldren and grandchildren. George left James Allen Christian his son, 2 slaves, a 60 year old woman and a 14 year old slave girl. He had relations with the slave girl and she bore him a son that she called James Allen Christian. James Allen Christian the offspring of the slave girl died in 1962, he was 100 years old. The Y-DNA was passed down from father to son etc. it matches my Y-DNA.
I have an actual copy of the death certificate for JW. Simpson, it states Attie Simpson not Ottis Simpson, I have yet to figure out how Ottis got into play.
In the 1860 Census, Isaac Dow Simpson was listed as a member of the Margaret Christian Household. Addison "Attie" Bailey Christian was also living in McDowell County but in his own household with his wife Rebecca Christian who most likely was Rebecca Davis Christian.
What makes this interesting is that Elizabeth was with Isaac between 1854 and 1860 on the Margaret Christian Farm, Addison "Attie" Bailey Christian was bsically just down the road. Addison was 29 and Elizabeth 17. Elizabeth and the children left McDowell County in 1860. The children lived on the Joseph Short farm and Elizabeth lived on the William short farm. Most likely John and Mary were helping hands for Joseph and Ealine Short with their 3 young children. Elizabeth was a domestic servant in the William Short household.
Thee are several Addison Christians and Daniel Christians, sons, but not in my immediate blood line. Where my family was raised in West Virginia in the hollow's the story goes that census takers would not go back into the hollow's but would go to the family at the mouth of the hollow and ask if they knew anyone back in the hollows and they would get the information from them. There were several black familys with the same last name as us and they were always getting confused as to who was whom.
I went to Summers County and obtained a certified copy of J. W. Simpson's death certificate. The County death certificate does not list kinfolk etc. But the information is in the book, book number 3 page no 186. I read that page and it clearly states father Attie Christon. I showed the County Clerk my copy that I had of a death certifice and she told me that what I had came from Charleston not Summers County and would contain information provided by the undertaker. That is why I was so curious as to where the name Ottis suddenly sprang up.
Everything does lead to Addison "Attie" Bailey Christian as being my great, grand father. Also Addison "Attie" Bailey Christian died at Bunker Hill in 1863 Addison and Rebecca actually moved to McDowell County about 1859. JW Simpson was born in 1854 and Mary Lucinda was born in 1856. The other Addison you mention was born in 1850, he would have only been 4 years old when my great, grandfather was born.
Addison "Attie" Bailey Christian was the son of Mastin Harman Christian. Mastin Harman Christian was the son of Thomas Bailey "Kumskaka" Christian and Louisa K. Harman.
Mastin Harman Christian married wife number 3 Margaret Robinette. Margaret Christian is shown as the mother of Louisa and Moses Christian. Thus the farm that my great, great uncle worked on was in fact the farm of Addison "Attie" Bailey Christian's grandmother. Thus the connection for the Simpsons and the Christians to have a great deal of contact. I am going on the assumption at this time that While Elizabeth Simpson, 17 was living with her brother Isaac Down Simpson on the Margaret Christian farm, Addison "Attie" Bailey Christian visited his grandmother and got together with Elizabeth while Addison's wife was in Tazewell. Elizabeth became pregnant with her first child, in 1854, could not marry Addison so she gave the child her last name. In 1856 she has another child by Addison but by then his wife is now living in McDowell County. Just before 1860 Elizabeth takes the children and leaves McDowell County. Addison "Attie" Bailey Christian goes to Bunker Hill, Berkeley WV and gets killed in the civil war. Elizabeth never marries, although she is young.
My DNA test results show that there are at least 4 or five very close matches. All come back to the same Christian family off spring. Thomas Christian 1687 Charles City, Goochland, Virginia.
There are some people that say Nathaniel Christian was not the father of Thomas Bailey Kumskaka Christian Cornstalk Sr. and Standing Deer Bailey. Nathanial Christian was the son of Thomas Christian. Problem here is people confuse it with which Thomas Christian becasue there were three in a row. Nathanial Christian was the son of Thomas Christian, 1660, and Rebecca Stilth/Steth Charles City Virginia.
Everything falls in line with one exception. Christian Family Chronicles, etc. all indicate that there were adoptions in this Christian line. Y-Chromosome DNA is passed from father to son and throughout the male line. You can not have the same Y-DNA if you are adopted.
This poses a very important question for all descendents of this line. Was the adoption a cover up and the Indian line was only on the mother's side and not through the male line? Talk about upsetting people now that would upset a lot of people!
I have to find some source, family Bible, documented family tale, etc.
that will show the Attie Christian I am trying to connect my blood line with is in fact Addison "Attie" Bailey Christian.
I have to find other members of the Christian family that have taken the DNA test to see if our DNA matches up sufficiently to identify the blood line connection.
I have reached out to every possible source for any help I can get in making sense out of all this.
One thing that really keeps hitting me though is that my grand father was named Jerry Mastin Simpson, the name Mastin was a puzzle to me. My father was Addison D. Simpson. My father's marriage license had Addie, he was always called Addie or AD. I never knew where that name came from but now it all makes sense.