Not sure why this question is posted x3?
Suggestion: It's difficult for people to offer any assistance with so little information. You need to include a TIME FRAME - dates or approximate dates of birth/marriage/death - as no one can tell if your ancestor is from 1650 or 1980!
Include a LOCATION: COUNTY - followed by any additional - Province/County/State and City/Town that you are aware of.
Does this line have a WikiTree ID? Is so, include it. If not, add any additional information such as spouse; siblings; children if you have any further details.
When you are logged in - you can add details to your original question by clicking on - edit - to the right of your question.
You may want to make these corrections to just one of your original questions and delete the duplicates - so that anyone able to help you gets all the details at once!
Good Luck