Do you have Christopher Champlin as the son of Jeffrey with brothers: Jeffrey & William?

+2 votes
I got my information on Jeffery (Geoffery) Champlin from  the internet:." Jeffrey  Champlin b. ABT 1621 of Westerly ,. Washington, Rhode Island USA, d.1695".  this was done by a mormon: Cornia-Waters, person ID 18283.also got information from CHAMPLIN LINEAGE, SCHOHARIE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY FILE. NY
in Genealogy Help by Frances Fishlock G2G Crew (750 points)

3 Answers

+3 votes
You might want to look at this text online.

On p 232 starts a brief history of John Garde in Rhode Island - father-in-law to Jeoffrey Champlin (husband of dau. Eulalie Garde).  Lists their confirmed sons  Jeoffrey, William and Christopher.   

Jeoffrey was also supposedly born in England abt 1621 - and references usually say 'of Westerly, RI' rather than born 'in' Westerly.
by Chris Hoyt G2G6 Pilot (935k points)
+3 votes
I believe that Jeffery champlin b. ABT 1620 nr. bideford, England and his wife, either Ulalia or charlotte Gard had 3 sons; Jeffrey,  William and Christopher.

Jeffrey champlin b.  ABT 1652 married 1. susanna Eldred 2. hannah Hazard. they had the following chldren: Emblem b. 1702, Jeffery b. 1703, thomas b. 1708, Stephen b. 1710, William b. 1713, Hannah b. 1714, John b. 1717


Capt. William Champlin Sr. , 2nd son of Jeoffrey, b. 1654 in New London, Ct. married Mary Babcock b. 1674. They had the following children: William who married Mary Clark, Mary  who married Capt. John Babcock and Ann.who married Samuel Clark .

Christopher Champlin, 3rd son of Jeffery SR. was born Sept. 26, 1656, died 12 april 1732.  He married Elizabeth Howland, later married Elizabeth, widow of William Davell. christopher and his first wife had the following children: those who died: 2 Elijahs, George , thankful, and Lydia.  Those who survived were christopher, Joseph, Ann, Elizabeth, Jabez. Oliver and Mary . However these 12 children may belong to the next generation of Christopher and Elizabeth Denision.


My family line is Jeffery Champlin b. 1621, Jeffery Champlin b. 1652, Stephen  champlin b. 1710, Jeffery Champlin  b. 1744,  William Burden Champlin b. 1784, Charles R. Champlin b. 1826, Henrietta Champlin b. 1871. Henrietta married George Philo Johnson, my mother was Frances Johnson b. 1899.
by Frances Fishlock G2G Crew (750 points)
+3 votes

Yes, that's right.  Here is an article about Jeffrey/Geoffrey.


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