From the 1930 Census Allie E Medlin is listed as a 'student' in Thomasville, Davidson, North Carolina: If you look in the area of Thomasville there was an orphanage - originally called Mills Home, but still exists as part of a Baptist Children's Homes in that area. You might want to check with them.
Name: Allie E Medlin Student
Birth: North Carolina abt 1922
Enumeration District Number: 002
Sheet Number and Letter: 4A
Line Number: 50
NARA Publication: T626, roll 1685
Film Number: 2341419
Digital Folder Number: 4608280
Image Number: 00802,_North_Carolina)
The Mitchell House Museum was founded in 1982 as a project of the Mills Home Alumni Association. The museum is located in Thomasville, NC on the Mills Home Campus, the original campus of the Baptist Children's Homes of North Carolina. It occupies the oldest building on the Mills Home Campus. Baptist Children's Homes of North Carolina celebrates 125 years