GEDmatch now connects to your WikiTree family tree!

+62 votes
Just found a bunch of new cousins at WikiTree connected to my gedmatches!
in WikiTree Tech by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
retagged by Abby Glann
Alycia , that's observant of you to notice. Many of these things need to be updated as the technology for them is changing all the time (-:
Phillip, I think it's $5.00 a month for Tier I section for USA users ? It's not a subscription. One can do it for one month at a time.

It's $10 per month to access the Tier 1 utilities on GEDMatch.
I did it incorrectly family finder dna so do I have to delete what I did and now go with the 36

That sounds correct.  For Family Finder, according to the FTDNA DNA Upload page, you want the Build 36 Raw Data Concatenated choice.

ok thanks Rob for getting back to me
Thank you everyone. Could you please tell me why my Gedmatch edit page shows no wiki connection. My wiki profile shows the Gedmatch I.D number. I must have done something wrong. Have tried reading about a fix with no luck.

Thanks again,

Joy Amundson.
Hello Joy,

You are not seeing a "Wiki" link to your ancestry because you are using an alias at GEDmatch.  Change your name at GEDmatch to your name in WikiTree or see

Sincerely, Peter
Thank you so much Peter. I had meant to change it but forgot.

Best regards,
Im looking for same answer as You ......

10 Answers

+24 votes
Very cool indeed!
by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
+20 votes
This is great news!!

In the GEDmatch's new Tier 1 One-to-Many, I automatically see which of my matches have a WikiTree ID.  Clicking on that link displays their compact ancestral tree showing up to eight generations of ancestry.

Is there a way to know if someone in GEDmatch has a WikiTree ID (or not) if you are not a Tier 1 member?

My paternal aunt has over 65 relatives in GEDmatch who have WikiTree ID's.  Her GEDmatch ID is T527089

Many thanks, Peter
by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (741k points)
edited by Peter Roberts
I can see your Aunt's WikiTree listings, Peter. It's in the Tier One section. If you have Tier One, you can use it. If not, I can get a listing to you on Tuesday.
If you have Tier One, you can put anyone's kit number in it to see what they have at WikiTree.
Yes, I'm a Tier 1 member and can view my aunt's matches and their links to their compact ancestral trees in WikiTree.
Peter humbly does not mention that he's the reason this came together.

Peter has tirelessly lobbied for GEDMatch-WikiTree connections for years. Finally, at the Houston FTDNA conference a few months ago, he made contact with GEDMatch's John Olson.

I am disappointed that the new One-to-Many with the WikiTree connections is only for Tier 1 members. It sounds like they haven't decided if or when it will be opened for non-paying members. Regardless, I know we will be doing more GEDMatch-WikiTree connections.
When I run the one to many report in the free (non tier one section) there is a column that lists GED or WIKI.   If I click on GED it takes me to a screen where I can click on Pedigree at the top and see a tree.

If I press WIKI it takes me to the WikiTree Compact Tree Page.   

Tier 1 is not required for this manual clicking.
Laura, When Chris made that comment in January 2017 Tier 1 was required. It has changed since then. You are correct that Tier 1 is no longer needed.
Since the thread showed up this week in a WikiTree Feed I thought I would clarify for now.  So many new people have taken DNA and are just learning to use it, I wanted them to know you do not need to be Tier 1 now to see it.
+26 votes

It highlights a privacy problem however. A match to my cousin has the privacy set so that the family tree can't be seen. We need to encourage people who have entered GEDMATCH kit numbers to have their privacy set so that the family tree can be viewed. It's possible that they don't realise that this is needed for the DNA to be propagated up the ancestor line and down the descendant lines.
by Rosemary Jones G2G6 Pilot (270k points)
+10 votes
I just signed up but the one I wish to use, "One to Many Matches" isn't working. All the other links do work for me such as Relationship Tree, Lazarus, Triangulation, etc., which I probably won't use.


UPDATE:  Nevermind it showed up now.
by James Stratman G2G6 Pilot (107k points)
edited by James Stratman
It takes a couple of days for GEDmatch to incorporate a new user's DNA results with the rest of its database.
+15 votes
How does GEDmatch obtain our WikiTree ID's?
by Michael Stills G2G6 Pilot (543k points)
Hi Michael.

We have been encouraging members to connect WikiTree IDs with GEDMatch IDs for a few years. When you enter a test, you can enter your GEDMatch ID.

Test data on WikiTree has always been public (even though your family connections or personal info may be private) so anyone could connect the dots. But to make it easy for GEDMatch we're giving them downloads.

Good to know,

So I just discovered that my Mom's GEDmatch ID was wrong on WikiTree.

From what you just explained, I presume it will be wrong on GEDmatch until the next download?

We have 15,791 GEDMatch kit IDs connected to WikiTree IDs. Of those, GEDMatch was only able to validate 14,155. Your mother's was probably one of the 1,636 they tossed out.
How frequently are you sending updates to GEDmatch?
Hi Ann. We don't know yet. It's an easy thing on both sides, so it should be frequent. We're hoping to make it live at some point, i.e. when you enter or edit a GEDmatch ID here it immediately updates.

I'm having an issue seeing links to wikitree for kits I administrate on GEDmatch (see image of father John Michael and brother John Paul).

I have GEDmatch numbers entered for them on their wikitree profile pages since Jan. 23.  Is it simply a matter of waiting longer to see the wikitree link show up at a later date?

Thanks you.

Hi Zack, I don't see that your brother John Paul Daugherty, A293019, has a profile on WikiTree. I do find your father, John M. Daughtery, A099400, so am not sure why his listing on GEDmatch doesn't include the link to Wiki.
Your right, I thought I had added my brother. I just now did.  The screenshot example doesn't show my great aunt whom I have added to Wikitree but I have and it does not show her link either.
Zack, When I look at your profile on WikiTree the only close relatives I can see who have taken DNA tests are your father, John Daugherty-1250, and your grandmother, Louise Harvey-8075. I don't see a great aunt. Is she on WikiTree? Is her DNA test information on her profile?

I've also just noticed Chris Whitten's comment above, on January 18, that he doesn't know yet how often WikiTree updates will be sent to GEDmatch. It's entirely possible that it nothing has been sent to GEDmatch since the entries you made on January 23.
She is right here:

And she is linked into the appropriate spot. She is my father's aunt on his father's side.  My great aunt.

It may just be a matter of waiting.
Now I see the problem. Her privacy level is 'private'. That means that only people on her trusted list can see her details. Please change her privacy level to 'private with public biography and family tree'. You just added her profile today, so any DNA test information you've added for her won't display on her profile or anyone else's until after the once-a-day update of DNA test information on WikiTree.
Okay, I didn't realize I had the privacy set so high on her.  Makes sense now.  Thank you.
GEDmatch just updated the connections yesterday. Are they fixed now, Zack?

We will soon have a regular updating system in place. Possibly daily, but at least weekly.
Yes, the one's I entered in Jan. are all up now in a new gedmatch one-to-many search...very cool stuff.

Thanks for all the help, was just wanting to make sure I had things squared away on my end for this to go through.
+10 votes
Is this something that will allow new gedcoms to demand merges with my finished profiles? I hope not. I don't want to have to constantly merge with stuff from ancestry dot com. Please explain.


by Living Troy G2G6 Pilot (183k points)
Sharon, when you upload a new gedcom, the gedcom matching program will show you the profiles that are already on WikiTree. You just skip the ones that are on there already and they will not be imported.
Thanks, Maggie! I never have uploaded gedcoms, so I am unfamiliar on how that works here. Thanks for letting me know!

+9 votes
That's great, do I need to enter GEDmatch data.
by Living Foster G2G3 (3.0k points)
You only need to follow GEDmatch's instructions to upload your auDNA results to GEDmatch and be a Tier 1 GEDmatch member.  Then add you GEDmatch ID to your DNA Tests page in WikiTree.  GEDmatch and WikiTree do the rest.
+10 votes

VIDEO when I use the function on GEDMATCH

I feel we should have for profiles in WikiTree have Project Database Error checks

  1. If a GEDMATCH profile has the wrong protection in WIkiTree
  2. If a profile with 2 GEDMATCH tested profiles has enough cM in common of those profiles to be a match
  3. If two GEDMATCH profiles on WIkiTree has more than 7cM and are not connected
  4. If we get better locations in WIkItree we could combine saying that in e.g. location Fläckebo (U) it looks like GEDMATCH Magnus Karlsteen, Magnus Sälgö and Barbro Maijgren could have a match

    Big pic
    1. Category for Fläckebo (U)
by Living Sälgö G2G6 Pilot (308k points)
+7 votes
This would be a great tool if not all my matches seems to be private profiles or guests members who just want to see the what is on WikiTree without adding any information about their own tree.

Could this be turned off on guest members? I'm truly disapointed of people doing this, they can see my contributions and probably copy that information without giving anything back.
by Maggie Andersson G2G6 Pilot (156k points)
You can see what is on WikiTree without being a guest member
I know that Magnus, some of my "new" relatives have been able to contact me that way through a google search that presented a common ancestor. But they already had the ancestors name to search for.

On Gedmatch I get 15 WikiTree links. I think 3 of them actually have trees available for me to look at. If I remember correctly there was 4 who actually put some effort in to add profiles but they have privacy red. The rest, about half of them just made a guest account to see their matches on WikiTree (I assume) without contributing to WikiTree.

I'm all for sharing, that's why I'm here on WikiTree but I'm disspointed of the ones who just want information without contributing anything at all. Hence my question.
@Maggie I cant see the problem if you are serious in genealogy the quality of most family trees on Wikitree are not good enough and just because you have a DNA match getting access to some of the other people's family tree doesn't make a big difference. On I have 400 DNA matches with family trees and I have confirmed 1 person and maybe another person. One person I am connected to has shared so little DNA with me that she is not visable on

As said I don't think you need a guest account. You get in Gedmatch the Wikitree I'd and then you can see the profile/tree
+11 votes
by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (741k points)

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