You might want to view the text noted below - can be read on-line. Some corrections over time are noted. Includes excerpts from wills/deeds/etc.
"The emigration of the New Haven-Wallingford Johnsons from England was in about 1638, a year in which there came over twenty ships and at least 3,000 persons. The three brothers, John, Robert and Thomas, came from Kingston-on-Hull and landed at Boston."
"William^ Johnson (Thomas^), was born in England earlier than 1638. He emigrated to America and married in December, 1664, Sarah, daughter of John and Jane or Jeanne (Wollen or Woolin) Hall, who was born 1643, and baptized by Rev. Mr. Davenport in New Haven Aug. 9, 1646. Ralph D. Smyth gives him a second wife, Abigail, but his first wife Sarah was the mother of all his
"Sergeant Jacob Johnson^ (William-, Thomas^) of Wallingford, born in New Haven, Sept. 25, 1674, d. July 17, 1749, married Dec. 14, 1693, Abigail, daughter of John
and Abigail (Merriman) Hitchcock.*"
Rev. Jacob Johnson of Wallingford, (Conn.) and Wilkes-Barre, (Pa.)