What's the information you have on John and Rebecca Blackstone, I need that information and welling to pay, lol for this help to research this John Hiram Blackstone 1805-1850 parents, I need proof of this line it would be like Christmas to a 5 year old ,lol its hard riding down the road looking over at you Great Great Grandfather '''John Hiram Blackstone's''' Grave and knowing that, it wasn't took to the Grave of who his Father was, I'm assuming that information is out here just looked over, I have very few Cousins that have done research on the Blackstone family that I have spoken to I'm sure the information is out here, someone gave them a very nice Tombstone and John Hiram Blackstone 1838 1913 buried at White Plains Baptish Church Cemetery, Pelzer, Anderson County, South Carolina 5 minutes from my home with his wife Elizabeth Marzeila Breazeale 1841 1913 they died just months or possibly weeks apart, they had 15 children, PLEASE CONTACT ME 108dab888@gmail.com or 864 402-0606 or if it's lots of information I can give you my mailing address, Thank you and HAVE A BLESSED DAY / NIGHT