Need help with finding out what happened to Gladys and Stephen Donahue

+5 votes
I have been able to find some informaiton on Gladys C Donahue and Stephen S Donahue, but the trail has run cold.  I am specificly looking for a date and place of death for both.   Here is what I have for each.

Gladys Caliphurnia Pacaud b. 7 Aug 1902 in Canada

Edmund Stephen Donahue b. about 1897 in Michigan

They were married on March 4th 1924

They were living together in Grand Rapids, MI in 1930

Gladys was living on Harding Avenue in Detroit in 1940 with her son Edmund Stephen Jr.  Edmund Sr. was not living with them at that time.

I have a record of Edmund Sr going to live in Canada in 1931, but his request to enter was denied.  I can not find another trace of either of them after that.  The story is that Edmund just left and that Gladys died of cancer at age 42, which would make her year of death about 1944.  


Any help would be greatly apreciated.
in Genealogy Help by Chad Douglas Donahue G2G Crew (490 points)
Chad what is the Wikitree profile page? Donahue-????
Hello Michael.  The profile page is

Thank you!

2 Answers

+4 votes

Answers from last question not posted and verified. Whats Up?
by Living Lechner G2G6 Mach 7 (71.0k points)
Open privacy level helps on these questions as well.
I will look into it.  I must not have done something correct.  I will also look at the privacy as you indicated in your other comment.

Thank you.
+5 votes
Chad, Edmund Stephen  married Roberta Pauline Coleman born 1906 Tennssee (She first married to William LIlliard Moore 1896-1991)Wiliam  married Janie L Hodge after that. Children for Wiliam and Roberta were Ophelia, Darlene, and WIlliam B.   Roberta is the child of Roy Randolph Coleman and Eva Margret Wynn.

Tracking this line from Tenn to Missou to Indiana and then MIchigan was so difficult. 1940 census shows Edmund with Roberta Pauline and two of her chidren in Detroit Wayne Mchigan. Ophelia had married Carr.  Darlene later married O'shea after 1940.


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