Can G2G replace the EuroAristo Google Group?

+6 votes
I'm wondering if we could use this forum instead of the Google Group for all or most of the EuroAristo discussions. I think it's at least worth a try. What do you think?
in Policy and Style by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
retagged by Keith Hathaway

3 Answers

+2 votes
Im happy to try whatever... I know MOST members of the group are not responsive... dont know if they read or just ignore...


However, the active members like myself might not like that we have to constantly check to see IF something is said...


I always forget about G2G unless someone mentions it so I dont know how I will like it, but Im happy to try!
by Lindsay Tyrie G2G6 Mach 2 (20.1k points)
I read the comments, just too busy else where unless, it is something I can handle or assist in. There is just too much going on, to be involved in all the topics.
That's how I feel, Mike. EuroAristo discussions get lost in my e-mail inbox and I can't keep up. Here on G2G, I can selectively participate where I want to participate. But you and I are already in the habit of checking G2G, whereas someone like Lindsay is not.
Im happy to try whatever... we all know me... Im the first member of WTA (WikiTree Anonymous) and I have a problem, lmao... but Im happy to try this. I am sure it wont be so bad, as long as we keep a habit at least of alerting the google group on important issues, at least until everyone (including me) gets used to checking here.

On another note, can we subcategories things on here within our EuroAristo Group? Like style discussions, house selections, procedures, etc?
I'm willing to give it a shot. I would definitely like to see things consolidated to one place.
Hey Lindsay, in the spirit of staying organized, I moved your question about subcategorization to a new question:
+3 votes
We can tickle on the GGroup if something important comes up.
by Roger Travis G2G6 Mach 2 (28.2k points)
How about just using standard email to post to user group members subject such and such. Do these reader programs work? Would save a few steps if we are automatically notified. Have not tried them.
+2 votes
I guess I have to be the weirdo, but I actually prefer the email list.  I guess that it's just because I have been using listservs for over 15 years and it's just comfortable.  IIRC, someone mentioned using RSS feeds.  I do use them, but generally not for anything that I interact personally with, just news and such.  Would we be able to subscribe to a feed for group related questions only, or would it be an all or nothing type of scenario?  Just wondering what the signal-to-noise ratio would be.
by Allen Minix G2G6 Mach 1 (18.6k points)

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