This couple is found in the Meriweather Co Georgia 1850 Federal census with two children. They later move to Marion County Flordia and are found there in the 1860 and 1870 census with a large family. My great grandfather is one of the children mentioned in the Flordia census, his name is John Anthony Harrison who later marries a Mary I. Stanfield who is from Person co North Carolina. Mary dies in Flordia and John Anthony Harrison marries her sister, Anna Howard Stanfield. Anna later in 1901 dies in a House fire in Hope Mills, North Carolina leaving John with two children, John A Jr and my grandfather Joseph Stanfield Harrison. They are left with the George T Lansdell family in Milton, Caswell Co, NC: 1910 FEDERAL CENSUS. I have a large amount of information I am willing to share. Some of it can be found on the Stanfield site maintained by Jerry Stanfield. Any additions would be appreciated. I have TWO different Harrison lines.
Thomas Harrison Lewis