JOIN - WORD LID van het Dutch Roots Project ! [closed]

+26 votes

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Wil je lid worden van het Dutch Roots Project ?

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Vergeet niet de project pagina's te lezen, want daar kun je alles vinden wat je moet weten over het project en natuurlijk heel veel plezier alvast !

Voor alle Nederlandse leden die behoefte hebben aan WikiTree uitleg in het Nederlands hebben we nu ook het Nederlands Portaal ! (heel handig) 

  1. Van alle leden die lid willen worden van het Dutch Roots Project en die willen werken aan de Nederlandse profielen , vragen we, als je dit niet al gedaan hebt, om eerst de Pre-1700 Self-Certificatie quiz te doen ! en lees aub ook dit goed door: Wikitree Pre-1700 Profiles
  2. Kopieer en plak deze categorie : [[Category:Dutch_Roots_Project]] links bovenin je eigen biografie, zo wordt je zichtbaar als lid op de Dutch Roots Project top level pagina, en door erop te klikken kom je ook meteen op de Dutch Roots Top level pagina. (de categorie zelf is dus meteen ook de link naar die pagina)
  3. Voeg dutch_roots toe aan je G2G tag feed followed tags om op de hoogte te blijven van Project discussies en nieuws . Zie : Communicatie
  4. Stuur een verzoekje om lid te worden aan Dutch Roots Project's Google Group
  5. Voeg je naam en bijvoorbeeld de achternamen of andere project gerelateerde zaken waarin je geinteresseerd bent toe aan de Dutch Roots Project Leden pagina.
  6. Kijk naar de doelen en de To-Do of Taken lijst waar je precies kunt zien wat de taken zijn en of er misschien ook andere dingen zijn waar je mee kunt helpen.

Namens iedereen van harte welkom en bedankt alvast voor het meedoen! 

Hi and welcome here :) 

Would you like to join our Dutch Roots Project ?  

Just add an answer (click answer) here and introduce yourself, perhaps you can also tell us something about your names of interest, so we can show if they already are present and where you can find them. 

Here's what you can do already..and don't forget to check out and read the project pages, there you will find everything you need to know !

  1. For all members working on the Dutch Roots project/profiles, if you did'nt already of course, we need to ask you to first take the Pre-1700 Self-Certification quiz ! and please read this: Wikitree Pre-1700 Profiles
  2. Add the category link: [[Category:Dutch_Roots_Project]] at the top of your own biography, this way you become visible as a member at the Dutch Roots Project top level page, and you will get redirected to the Dutch Roots Project Page.
  3. Send a request to join the Dutch Roots Project's Google Group
  4. Add dutch_roots to your G2G tag feed followed tags to keep up with Project discussions and news. See : Communicate
  5. Add your name and area or surnames of interest to the Dutch Roots Project Members page.
  6. Check out the Goals and To-Do list to find something to help us work on.

And of course on behalf of all of us, many thanks for joining in advance and have fun !

WikiTree profile: Ferdinandus Bol
closed with the note: We started a new Join G2G this one was getting too long (3 pages) ;) See link on top or below added to the image
in Requests for Project Volunteers by Bea Wijma G2G6 Pilot (310k points)
closed by Bea Wijma
Hello all,

I am Melle van der Heide, born and living in Harlingen, the Netherlands. I am in genealogy since about 2002 and my interests are mainly my Frisian and Limburg ancestors. My research area is mostly the Netherlands, but I have some experience in modern age Indonesia, USA and Germany as well.

The names I research mainly are: Van der Heide, Hemminga, Terbraak (Frisian, my ancestors), Van Troost (Zeeland province, Belgium; my wife her last name) and some names in the Achterhoek region.

I'd like to help to improve the Dutch pages, both in quality and in quantity!

Hi Melle and welcome to the Dutch Roots Project ! 

Here's some info, not just for you but for everyone who is new to the project or members that perhaps just discovered they have Dutch ancestors ;). 

If members are working on them and perhaps planning to create or add new Dutch profiles for people from around or before 1811 to our WikiTree, it's important to know if a person was born with a patronymic or a different last name and with what last name exactly so you can always first try a search here at WikiTree for them with their patronymics or that last name, many Dutch families are already present, so if you are lucky you can connect your family already pretty soon :)

What makes it so important for Dutch profiles to search for a Birth or Baptism record or a record from around the time of their Birth if they were born around or before 1811, is because it wasn't always the case all members of one family adopted the same last name. 

Sometimes you will find a grandfather adopting a last name for not only himself and his children, but for some of or all his grandchildren as well, or a father adopted a last name for him and his minor still at home living children and the adult or older children that were already living by themselves (or relatives) all adopted their own and perhaps all different last names. (sometimes it were the grandmothers or mothers who adopted the last name if for example the grandfather/father already passed away before 1811 or if the father was Unknown of course).

At the Fries archive in advanced search, you also can refine searches and  look for example for just the last name adoptions or Naamsaaneming in 1811, in the Netherlands you also will find that, not all (!), but many Dutch people born before 1811 used patronymics (matronymics) and were only known by those, and at WikiTree that's also what we use for their last name at Birth (LNAB) (patronymic (matronymic) = first name of father (mother) + s, szetc.) This for example is the result for a search for name adoptions in 1811 of the last name van der Heide

And, I think perhaps you already noticed or know this, but just in case and for everyone who doesn't, in the Netherlands the prepositions in last names are never capitalized or pasted together as one, for example your own last name, if you were born in the Netherlands, would be not Van der or Vander Heide but van der Heide, Terbraak would be ter Braak, Van Troost  would be van Troost etc.

If you are searching for them or people with these kind of last names in archives, to the last name field we only add: Heide or Braak and the search result will show them all with the prepositions, because in the Netherlands last names, if it is in archives or for example in phone books, are listed under the first letter of the 'actual' or 'most important part ' of the last name, so like this Heide, van der  or Braak, ter. 

And here's the Glossary Netherlands with a short version for the usage of the name fields and here the Style rules and more Explanation with examples of how to fill in Dutch Name Fields for WT profiles,  where you can also find a link to the Dutch naming convention which has all info about Patronymics etc. 

Have fun and of course if you have questions or need some help, just ask we all are happy to help :D 

And Melle I don't know if you are interested, but we have started and are still searching for more members interested in Project Indonesia  and there's a German Roots Project also, so as you can see you can work on profiles from all over the world here, here you can find all projects :D

Thanks Bea for your extensive answer. I am a quite experienced reseacher, be it with mostly digital sources. My tree runs back to about 1450 and I have done a little Y-DNA testing as well. I publish my findings on the [[Van der Heide website|]]. I don't feel too confodent about the former Dutch East Indies, but I might have a look what's around. I will be gla to help here and there and I hope to connect a lot of losse ends.

I stopped using sources that are not reliable. This means I mostly only publish when I have a direct source or if the source uses direct sources of the source seems so reliable because someone is using extensive source links on 100% of his research (and thus, I estimate/qualify his/her research as reliable). So geneanet and genealogieonline are not sources, in my humble opinion.
I am encountering profiles that are project protected and thus not adjustable. Is it possible for me to adjust them somehow?

Hi Melle,

The profiles if they are open, are free to work on for all project members, in the past members were adding or importing a lot of early profiles (familytrees) with almost no info and no sources or links to those sources and without checking if there perhaps already were profiles for them, it often meant a whole lot of duplicates or families that were all mixed up and almost or totally Unsourced. So that's why now all early ones get a project added as co manager, to prevent duplicates or profiles that are as good as Unsourced and to keep track of everything and be able to work on them together using the google group (it's the watchlist /feed of the project profile).  If  a profile is a direct ancestors of yourself or if you would like to be on the trusted list (co manager) you can just like with all profiles send a trusted list request of course  ;) 

Before creating or adding new and especially very early profiles or families (deeper ancestors), we now are trying hard to make sure we first, before adding or creating them, have info and sources + links to those sources and add it all right the profiles, to make sure they look good and are as accurate as possible right from the start and to prevent they need a whole lot of work or untangling later. 

The only thing that's not adjustable and why profiles get Project Protection also, is removing parents without anyone noticing, or changing a LNAB , if you think that's needed and if you have sources that show it needs to be done we will of course correct things. :)

And you have me puzzled a bit Melle, I think you are Dutch ? I figured because you used the Americanized version of the Dutch last name, so the capitalized Van der Heide instead of the Dutch version 'van der Heide' for all profiles and family members, including your own, you probably were not Dutch, because in the Netherlands we don't write van der Heide as Van der Heide, perhaps you figured you should add them like this because WikiTree is an American site ? If so, you don't have to worry about that, it does not include the last names for everyone, we are allowed to and using the Dutch Naming convention for Dutch profiles, so they all need to be merged into the correct and Dutch version, if you like some help with it just let me know happy to help of course.

Hello Bea,

I am dutch. I was born and raised in Harlingen and live there right now. I have probably entered my last name with a capital, not being aware of the case sensitivity. The funny thing is that we write Dutch names capitalised and uncapitalised (e.g. "Dear mr. Van der Heide" of "Dear Melle van der Heide" in a letter), so that's confusing now and then. I will take notice of the naming conventions. Do you suggest I should replace/merge all Van der Heide's with van der Heide's?

As you might have noticed I use some sources which are publications on paper (books, whitepapers etc.). When there is no digital version available, and it considers pre 1600 information (so most likely no primary sources online as well), there is of course no (digital) link and thus it is impossible for others to check things. How do we manage things like this on wikitree?

Hi Melle, 

Ik zal even in het Nederlands antwoorden dat praat wat gemakkelijker, en ja soms verwarrend hoe we onze achternamen schrijven of hoe we ze indexeren (als we in archieven op zoek gaan naar mensen, zoeken we alleen op achternamen zonder voorzetsels of op patroniemen), want inderdaad als een achternaam op zichzelf staat of vermeld wordt, schrijven we het met hoofdletter, maar zodra de naam in combinatie met een voornaam wordt genoemd schrijven we het zonder hoofdletter. 

Dus inderdaad, ze moeten allemaal gecorrigeerd worden en waren de reden waarom ik de kluts een beetje kwijt was, ik zag natuurlijk wel staan dat je een geboren en getogen Nederlander was, maar de profielen (ook je eigen ;) ) waren allemaal opgevoerd op de manier zoals profielen hier in het verleden geimporteerd werden met de vroegere gedcoms. (de Amerikaanse versies met hoofdletter voorzetsels of alles aan elkaar geplakt) 

Patroniemen werden toen nog niet als LNAB (h)erkend en werden automatisch Unknowns en alle Nederlandse namen rolden eruit met hoofdletters, dus van der Heide werd toen automatisch Van der Heide, van Hardenberg werd Van Hardenberg, etc. 

Waarom het zo belangrijk is dat we meteen bronnen en informatie hebben en toevoegen en daardoor ook de juiste achternamen ten tijde van hun geboorte/doop en ook of ze misschien geboren waren met alleen patroniemen voordat we profielen aanmaken, is omdat we niet alleen duplicaat profielen, maar vooral het mergen (samenvoegen en/of naamcorrecties) proberen te voorkomen, 

Het mergen zorgt voor Redirects. Een Redirect is een omleiding naar een profiel of pagina via links van verplaatste of niet meer bestaande profielen of onderwerpen. Dubbele profielen verdwijnen dus niet, maar blijven op de achtergrond aanwezig en ruimte innemen. Redirects zijn (als het erg veel zijn) een zware belasting voor de server, hoe meer redirects hoe trager Wikitree op den duur zal worden (de laadtijd) en hoe meer ruimte we nodig hebben natuurlijk, dus ook om WikiTree gratis te houden is het natuurlijk belangrijk om dit zoveel mogelijk te voorkomen ;) Dus dit is reden waarom we proberen duplicaten of het wijzigen van achternamen (=LNAB) zoveel en waar mogelijk te voorkomen. 

Als je hier net begint is alles nieuw en ben je je natuurlijk en logisch ook, helemaal niet bewust van dit alles, dus 't is geen ramp hoor, je kunt ze gewoon corrigeren allemaal dus 't komt vast goed. We hebben allemaal alles moeten ontdekken en veel moeten leren hier, WikiTree is gewoon heel anders dan andere genealogiesites en best wel ingewikkeld soms. 

Maar misschien heb je het al ontdekt hebt en maak je er al gebruik van, om het ook voor alle Nederlandstalige leden een beetje gemakkelijker en duidelijker te maken hebben we nu het Nederlands Portaal een geweldig idee van onze project coordinator Joop, waar je nu dus alles over WikiTree ook in het Nederlands kunt vinden oa. ook (over) bronnen. Als je gebruik maakt van boeken als er echt niets over iemand online te vinden is, kun je ter verificatie bv een scan of afbeelding van een bladzijde, of deel van de tekst waarin de info is vermeld, uploaden bij het profiel met de bronvermelding. 

Waar het om gaat en vooral bij de vroege profielen, die natuurlijk door heel veel en steeds meer leden gedeeld zullen moeten worden (veel mensen hebben dezelfde vroege voorouders), is dat alle andere leden/nakomelingen ook kunnen zien waar de info te vinden is of vandaan komt en deze zelf ook kunnen vinden en als het even kan dus ook kunnen zien.

Hi, I am interested in documenting the Terwilliger line, but also in other lines such as the Ostrander and the Roosa lines. My earliest Dutch ancestry traces back to the New Nederland setters such as [  Arien Alderts Roosa Sr (1645 - 1725) .

Hi Chris,

Well I see you found them already eeh that's wonderful, the Terwilliger family and the Ostrander family are present also, most of them started without the later last names, so many of them first owere born with or used patronymics and some already can only be found by the patronymics at WikiTree. We join forces on these families and work together with the New Netherland Settlers Project a lot, so you probably are interested in joining them also ? :D 

If you need some help or have questions just let us know or ask, we all are happy to help ! Welcome to the team and happy hunting !

Hi, I am not Dutch but I am married to an Australian man who was born in the Netherlands. The names I am interested in are Weggelaar, de Gids, Mulder, Smits, Gabel, Römer, Sleeking, Jansen.

Thank you. My ID is Dyer-10748

Hi Judy, 

You are very welcome and sounds wonderful, there are just a few profiles for Weggelaar and de Gids, and more members working on Mulder and Smits already, so if you are lucky you can connect your or your husbands family to one of the already present ones and collaborate with other members that are working on them or maybe find some relatives ;)  Gabel and Römer  you can find here and...there are no profiles for Sleeking at all so you will be the first one researching and adding them, and Jansen or Janssen probably is one of the most common names in the Netherlands so you will find a lot of them around here ;)

Tried a search for Sleeking at  and we have a Dutch Archive, where you will find links to a lot of online Dutch archives, the welcoming message has a link to it, so happy hunting and of course if you need a hand just ask, we all are happy to help ! :)

Hi everyone we started a new Join G2G here :) (The thread is getting a bit too long) 

Hi, I'm Rachel, a very new member to WikiTree still figuring things out. I'm interested in the names Buist, ter Mors, Weber, Witten and Bootsma/n.

Unfortunately I live in Australia and don't speak Dutch, so I'm a bit hindered in what I can research, but I have some pre-existing family trees I'm putting up.
Hallo, like to join dutch root project to add my ancestors to wikitree.

46 Answers

+11 votes
Best answer
I am interested in learning more about my maternal family side family name Donar.


Wiki tree ID Riniker-125
by Peter Riniker G2G Crew (830 points)
selected by Joshua Donar

Hi Peter, 

I have added the source + the info from the 1900 census to the profile of your ancestor Christian Donar , according the census Christian and his wife Barbara both were from Germany, but according the note about his tragic death he was a Hollander, so it's a bit confusing . It's possible he lived and grew up very close to the Dutch border and felt more Dutch or perhaps he for some reason (war ?) didn't like to mention he was born German ? But will look for more to make sure.. 

+12 votes
I am looking forward to discovering more about my maternal OSTRANDER line. I have information that connects the family back to Pieter and Tryntje VAN Oostrander in the 1600s in Amsterdam. I am interested in uncovering records to support the lineage.

I am from Niagara Falls, Ontario. I have been the volunteer research contact for the local Niagara Peninsula Branch- The Ontario Genealogical Society for the past 2 1/2 years.

My paternal line in Adam Young (JUNG) of the Mohawk Valley, New York in the 1700s after the family came from the Palatine Region in Europe in 1710. But that story is part of another group.
Hi Bill,

To be part of the project we need your WikiTree ID, so please supply that first.
I have an Niclaus Jung, born May 1639 on Borsborn, Rheinland-Pfalz Lande, Germany; the father in law of Johannes Scharfenstein (my cousin) and father of Anna Jung. Any connection?

Hi Bill, 

Welcome and great to meet you and hear more about the families you're related to or interested in. And it's wonderful you already have a lot of experience of course.  If you could add your WT ID or a link to your profile and if you have taken the Pre-1700 self certification test, just let us know and we will award you a project badge ! :) 

Here you can find Pieter Carstensen [Ostrander] ,  Trijntje Thijssen and his second wife Geesje Jans all married in Amsterdam indeed ;) And I don't know if you are a member already, but we of course work a lot and close together, so perhaps you are interested and would like to join the New Netherland Settler Project as well ?

Hi Patricia,

Would you like to join the Dutch Roots project as well ? I noticed your ten Broeck branche still was unconnected and actually a duplicate, so I merged it for you to make sure your Ten Broeck branche now is connected :)

I think you might be interested in and a good candidate for the New Netherlands Settlers Project as well, so just follow the link I added to my previous message, and let us know if you would like to join us also we all work together a lot, so it's handy to be member of both projects. And everyone is welcome of course :)

Hi Bill, I wonder if we might be cousins. There are 2 possibilities:

James Narcissus YOUNG (my great grand uncle) was born on 8 Nov 1839 in Rutland County, VT. His family likely also lived in Alburgh, VT. He served in the military between 1861 and 1865 enlisting in New Boston, Mercer, IL. Married Susan J. BROWN 11 May 1869 in Mercer County, IL. They moved to Logan, Harrison, IA. He died on 22 Feb 1921 at the age of 81 in Logan, Harrison, IA. James was also known as Uncle Brig. I believe his father to be James Young was born about 1800 in Hemmingford, Les Jardins-de-Napierville, Quebec, Canada. And believe this James' father to be Alexander.

OR, Anna JUNG (my 8th great grandmother) born to Hans and Anna (Moller) Jung about 1595 in Staufenberg, Gießen, Hesse, Germany. Anna married Christof Gerwick (sp. var.).

Hope to hear from you!
+11 votes
I am Gus Van Weert, residing in Canada, fluent in written and spoken Dutch, and as far as WikiTree goes, interested in the connection between the Dutch van Weert's and the North American Van Wert, Van Wart, Van Woert, etc. branches estblished via Jochem Wouterszen.
by Gus Van Weert G2G5 (5.6k points)
Hi Gus,

Welcome to the Dutch Roots project!
+10 votes
I am Garry William Mandevill. i have been researching my family tree for over 30 years.  i have relatives who are from that area, what boat they came here on, etc.  I would like to fill in some missing links, but I need help with that.  The last name of my family is Mandeville. thank you.

Hi Garry,

Could you please take the Pre-1700 Self-Certification quiz first (see item #1 above)? Once you've done that you'll be a project member and get the Dutch Roots Badge.

There are currently over 400 Mandeville profiles on WikiTree, so please be careful to not create duplicates. Terry Mandeville is a member that also researches your family's name.

Happy Hunting!


Welcome here Garry ! And yes a whole lot of members have been working on the early Mandeville's already, so you probably will find them all present here, you can just connect your branche to one of the already present profiles/families. Here's where the family starts Michiel or Michael Johannes Mandeville and  Maria van der Raede  And perhaps you already know who you are related to ? Happy to help and get you connected :)

I added a post for you with the links at your profile now so if you're ready just let us know trough here Garry and we can award you a badge ;)
+10 votes
My great, great, great grandfather, Lodewijk (Louis) Van Zuilecom was born in Zuilikom Nederland in 1764, and died in England in 1832. I have a copy of a family crest, which I inherited from my grandmother, but have not been able to find out anything about it.
by Living Crompton G2G2 (2.1k points)

Hi David, 

I'm looking for him in the Dutch archives already, but noticed you had written the last name the 'English or American' way. So not to be rude or meant as critic, but to explain it a bit more for everyone who perhaps is interested or looking for Dutch ancestors that have a ''van'' or ''de'' or ''van der'' or something in their LNAB....

If you are looking or searching for people in the Netherlands with for example a last name like '''van Zuilecom''', it would be written like this van Zuilecom. Vanzuilecom, is one of the many forms of what we call 'pasted' versions, and the preposition(s) written with a capital 'V'  so like  'Van Zuilecom' both aren't correct if a person was born in the Netherlands, and a search with these names will give no (Dutch) results, simply because the prepositions in the Dutch names never are written with a capital or prepositions + the last names are not 'pasted' so that's often one of the reasons why members are totally stuck, when it comes to finding their ancestors .. 

See the Dutch Roots Naming convention, for more explaining. 

See also: Glossary Netherlands where  it's also a bit explained in short including the use of the name fields for Dutch family members . 

And to have some fun and see the difference (I hope ;) ) here I started a search at for Zuilecom ( 207 pages !) ( also important is, if in the Dutch archives, you are looking for someone, you only search with the most important part of the last name (without the prepositions) , so in this case just 'Zuilecom' , and you will notice all possible variations of the name will show. (van Zuilekom, van Zuilecom, van der Zuilecom, Zuilekom. etc) 

Hope it helps and will try if I can find something interesting for you as well of course :)

And of course Welcome to the Dutch Roots Project David, I hope we can help and find the info you have been searching for for so long without results, always really terrible these Brickwalls eeh ;)
+11 votes
My name is Mariska. I have been living in California, USA for a little over 8 years now. My hometown is in Delft, Netherlands. Dutch is my native tongue. Happy to help anyone, and anywhere I can.
by M. de Feiter G2G6 (6.0k points)

Hi Mariska,

Could you please take the Pre-1700 Self-Certification quiz first (see item #1 above)? Once you've done that you'll be a project member and get the Dutch Roots Badge.

Many thanks for joining the project!

Happy Hunting!

Hi Jan,

We're in a catch 22 here. If I click on the link I get: "You don't need to take this quiz. You already have the Pre-1700 Badge. If you want a refresher, click on the answers to see the explanations. To find others who share the same interests and to coordinate your efforts, see the list of Pre-1700 Projects. Thank you!". What to do next? Thanks.

Oops Mariska,

Guess I need new glasses! You already did the test 12 Apr 2016...

I stand corrected. 

Glad to see you provide promary sources on the profiles you manage! So welcome as member of the Dutch Roots Project!!


Thank you :)
Hi Mariska

I have a relative(I think) who lived in Delft and Amsterdam. He was a painter of the Golden Age and a contemporary of Vermeer.  To save me wearing my fingers out (joking) if you may like to check him out in both Wikisource and Wikitree.  His name is Johannes Verkolje (Vercolge) the Elder, there are many many name variations.  He is also listed in my (his) family bible - My main objective with Johannes is to prove without doubt that we are related.  In the family bible we both have different Stamvaders (which I think means Forefathers).  The net site is truly a challenge I must warn you .  I don't know Dutch so you can imagine how it has been for me.  But I am of a very stubborn and analytical nature and I don't give up easily.  Can you help me. Questions welcome.


Carolyn Dominish

Hi Carolyn

Not sure how and with what I would be able to help you, but I will if I can, as will other WikiTree users. You might want to launch a new question in the G2G forum (, or send me an e-mail.


Mariska de Feiter
Hi Mariska

Thank you for your hints.  I am going ahead with my enquiries, but going solo, Thanks anyway.
+10 votes
I'm researching Swearingen. I know that Gerret van Swearingen was born 4 Feb 1636 in Beemsterdam.

Gerret Vansweringen, was an employee of the Dutch West India Company. His ship, the "Prince Maurice", of which he was supercargo, was shipwrecked on the south shore of Long Island on 8 March 1657 (the first recorded shipwreck on Long Island, location unknown, while enroute to Fort Casimir at New Amstel (now New Castle, Delaware), on the "South River". (At that time, both the Dutch and the English referred to the Hudson as the North River, and the Delaware as the South River.) After being rescued by a vessel sent by Peter Stuyvesant, governor of New Amsterdam, the ship's company continued to New Amstel where, after leaving the service of the Dutch West India Company, Gerret eventually became a merchant and served as sheriff. After the English took possession of the Dutch colonies in 1664, Gerret moved to St. Mary's County, between the Patuxent and Potomac Rivers on Maryland's western shore and, in 1669, he and his family became naturalized English citizens. Gerret operated the Council Chamber Inn, which has been partially rebuilt as part on an ongoing archaeological dig at old St. Mary's City, the first capital of colonial Maryland. At about the same time the spelling of the name was changed to Van Swearingen, in the English style, although there is no evidence that Gerret spelled it that way.
by Nicole Hayko G2G Crew (500 points)
Hi Cousin!

I was prompted to look at the Netherlands group from a wikitree update email and I'm delighted to see your post about the Van Swearingen family. Both of my brothers (with surname BROWN) took the YDNA test (111 markers) through FTDNA and they significantly match (67 markers) SWEARINGEN (sp. var.). I'm trying to figure out how the Brown <> Swearingen 'family merge' occurred. It seems likely that it was in colonial St. Mary's, as other affiliated surnames (BOWLING and GIBSON*) are also associated with St. Mary's. Hope that you, or others reading this, can help!

*Note about Bowling and Gibson: Another significant YDNA match to my brothers is Bowling (sp. var.) and my 2nd great grandfather, Richard Brown, has the middle name of Gibson. The other significant YDNA match (67 markers) is to KIRKLAND if that helps figure out this mystery.

Now back to joining this study group :)

all the best

Hi Nicole, just looked for the name and waauw it looks like a whole lot of WikiTreers are related or interested in the van Sweringen family eeh. 

Here's Gerret's profile  and for all of you, if you didn't already, I think the New Netherland Settlers Project might be one, you should  join as well, both projects are working together as a team on these ancestors who were from the Netherlands and their descendants . It's great to have such enthusiastic members !

So welcome to the Dutch Roots project and thanks for joining !

Thanks so much for your gracious welcome! I'll also join the New Netherland Settlers Project. I agree, it is wonderful to have such enthusiastic members! Here's to more collaboration, finding new cousins, and breaking down brick walls! OOPS, just realized that I answered a post to Nicole. sorry
+10 votes
Hello, I would like to join the Dutch Roots Project!!  My WikiTree ID is :Parker-16846, and I am already Pre-1700 Certified.  I so far have just one Dutch surname in my tree, Sturtevant.  My 4th great grandfather was Elisha Sturtevant (born abt. 1790 in NY, died ?).  He was married to Mary Ann Cotton, and one of their daughters, Deborah Sturtevant (born 1832 in Chautauqua, NY), was my 3rd great grandmother. she was married to Samuel Warner Cooley (born 1827 in Chautauqua, NY).  I can't find any records in the New York area for my Sturtevants. The earliest I have is the 1850 US Census for Michigan, that's where it says the Elisha was born in New York.  This is a huge brick wall for me!! Thank you
by L Parker G2G2 (2.7k points)

Hi L. , 

Welcome and I hope we can help solve your brickwall, do you think they are Dutch and perhaps the name was derived from Stuyvesant ? 

I found a profile for what looks to be the Elisha Sturtevant you're mentioning, so not sure if he is because this one is married to a different wife, but well, perhaps this Elisha is related to yours, you can of course ask if perhaps the manager knows or has more info for you about your Sturvesant family as well always great to meet members who are working on perhaps the same family eeh :)

+10 votes
Thanks for establishing this group! Please add me to the membership. My wikitree profile is Brown-18795 and I am already Pre-1700 certified. At this time in my research, I have 3 direct ancestors from the Netherlands:

Jan Hendrickszen BREVOORT (8th great grandfather) was born on 5 January 1639, in Brevoort a small hamlet near Amersfoort, Utrecht, Netherlands. His father was Hendrick Janszen but his mother has not yet been identified.

Zacharian Van Weenen SICKLES (8th great grandfather) was born about 1630 in Vienna, Austria and then moved to Holland and from there to Curacoa, and finally settled in New York.

SWEARINGEN unknown male ancestor. My brothers' YDNA significantly matches to Swearingen but our surname is BROWN.

by Beth Golden G2G6 Mach 2 (26.4k points)

Hi and welcome to the Dutch Roots project Beth ! 

Sorry that I'm a little late, I think it's easier to answer your question here, so it may be helpful or explain things a bit more for everyone who is perhaps also wondering, ''what to do next'' ?  ;) 

Just check our to do or task list , the most important task and goal we all share, of course is to get all Dutch Profiles sourced and improved, this is the same for all profiles part of WT, but because there are so many and because WT is worldwide, projects are just a wonderful way to reduce the amount, because projects-members now all are working on their own, different and more specific parts of our tree as teams, sometimes projects overlap so they all are collaborating also. (so our huge main WT this way is divided in many smaller pieces to make sure it's more efficient and easy to get things done and make sure WikiTree is going to be accurate, with many well sourced and good looking profiles)

For the Dutch profiles we have a Needs (to do template system) you can use, and of course the more specific Dutch things.  Read all about our Dutch naming convention and use of  naming field rules (no middle names) and when you're looking for profiles that need your help just go to the category Unsourced Netherlands or the Dutch Roots Needs Birth category. 

It would also be very helpful if you all would add one or both templates, so the {{Unsourced|Netherlands}} and /or the {{Dutch Roots|Needs=Birth}} to Dutch Profiles that need sources and a Birth or Baptism record, this will add them to the proper categories, so we all can find and work on them.

And when you come across profiles that are more or less ready (have sources and look more finished, but only miss the project template, you can also add the Dutch Roots Template to them.

So besides searching for and adding sources there are also lot's of other things members can do and that are just as important and helpful . 

Hope it helps and if you still have questions just ask, we're happy to help !

Thanks for joining Beth and everyone who did or is going to and great to have you as a member of our team :)

Thanks for such a thorough answer to "what's next"!
+9 votes
Hello, my name is Charles Landman (Landman-257).  I have for some years had no luck finding ancestors of my 3rd great grandfather, Levi Landman (Landman-266).  It seems he was born 1765 in Rhode Island, although there is no very reliable source for that.  Our family lore is that three brothers came from the Netherlands; their names was something like "Landtmann" and changed on arrival.  Presumably one would have been Levi's father.  The story may not be accurate, and they may not have even been Dutch, but it is all I have to go on.

I am also searching for ancestors of my 2nd great grandmother Gertrude Happy (Happy-12).  She was born about 1830 in New York, married in Woodstock in 1854.  Her marriage was reported in the Christian Intelligencer of the Dutch Reformed Church, leading me to believe she was probably Dutch.

Thanks for any help you might be able to provide!
by Charles Landman G2G1 (1.4k points)

Here's (a) Levi Landman Census 1820 and 1830 Bratleboro, Widham, Vermont, United States

"United States Census, 1820," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 13 April 2017), Levi Landman, Brattleboro, Windham, Vermont, United States; citing p. 114, NARA microfilm publication M33, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 128; FHL microfilm 281,249.

"United States Census, 1830," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 14 August 2015), Vermont > Windham > image 21 of 30; citing NARA microfilm publication M19, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).

Death of Lucinda Clark (Landman) (mentiones her husband Levi.

"Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1954," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 22 May 2014), > image 3757 of 4114; State Capitol Building, Montpelier.

+8 votes
I am currently working on a project called "First Families of Monmouth County" (NJ).  My Dutch family roots start with my 2xGGrandmother Sarah Lane (aka Laenen Van Pelt).  The Lanes intermarried with Langestraat. Other family surnames are Aumack/Amack, and  Van Sicklen.

I am looking for documented sources that Mathias Janse Laenen Van Pelt born 1618 Overpelt, Leige, Belgium, died 1683 New Utrecht, Kings, NY - is the father of Adrien born 1677? NY and died 1738 Readington, NJ and he being the father of Cornelius Lane born 1705, Readington, NJ and died 1762 Shrewsbury, NJ.

Hopefully this is a place that I may find the answers.

Thank you

Donna Campbell Goodwin
by Living Campbell G2G1 (1.3k points)

Hi Donna, 

Here's Matthijs Janse van Pelt , he has a son Ghijsbrecht who has a son named Adriaen, and he is the father of  Cornelius

And just like many other members who have Dutch ancestors, I think you might be very interested in joining the New Netherland Settlers Project also, i f you didn't already of course, our projects are working a lot together ;) 

Welcome to the Dutch Roots Project and happy hunting Donna !

Thank you very much, I just looked at the link to the wiki tree for Mathijs Janz Pelt (aka Van Pelt).  This is what I have from the New Netherlands Connections Vol 4 Number 1 1999, Family history of the family Tice, Smock and Felt's also Monmouth Cty Wills.  I think I finally have it figured out.  But, it is different than what is on Wiki.  I have Mathijs with his two wives and children.  By 2nd wife he does have my Adrien Lane (notice change in surname) born 1672-1738. Two wives Martyntje Smock (d/o Hendrick Smock) then Jannetje Sycklen (d/o Ferdinandus Van Sycklen (Van Sicklen).  They together had 13 children Janetje, Mathias, Gertrude, Hendrick, Guisbert (d: 1772) Abraham (d: 1760 names bro Guisbert in will) , Aaron, Hermanus, Mary , Derick, Magdelana, Cornelius (d:1762) and Margrietje. I found my errors using Effie Moons information naming Adrien as both Gilbert (Guisbert) and Mathijs as Adriens father's. I can share the documents, but not sure where to upload them.
You're welcome Donna, it looks like these families still need a lot of work, so records, info and sources, some things we are still puzzling/struggling with as well, so all info and sources and if possible, with links to sources included, are very welcome, we are Wiki and all about sharing of course and we all would love some help and input ;)  

Just join the projects working on these or if you don't want to join or if you are afraid/hesitating to add things to the Bio's yourself, just add the info or sources in a post and someone else will add them to the profiles involved .
Bea, So sorry for the tardiness in answering the message you sent.  Spring time is yard time and the days are not long enough.  I will try an add the information I have and the links.  Can documents be uploaded directly to the ancestor, even if you are not the manager?

Hihi little slow here as well, the WikiTree Spring-Clean-a-Thon kept us all pretty busy and yes spring is wonderful and yard time, we have a two week spring holiday now, and for us it's yard time also, today my husband cleaned our pond, springcleaning for the fish as well eeh :P (old picture but the fish are still swimming, just a bit bigger) 


And to answer your question, yes if a profile is open, you can upload documents for them. If a profile is managed by a project just ask if it's ok to upload a document and mostly people will be happy with someone uploading documents for them, especially if the documents are or have records included ! :)

TKU.  I will get the ones I have together and do as you say or ask the mangager if they would like the info emailed to them.   It took me awhile to finally get the documentation for children of Mathias Lane/Laenen VanPelt.  Seems his son by second marriage was my Adrien and Adriens' 1/2 brother Gysbrecht/Gilbert had a son Adrien.  Unfortunately the two Adrien's are being used as one person.

We are using the Project Google Groups to keep track of and work together on the profiles it makes we also notice posts that are added with questions or requests, so if you have info for profiles that have projects as manager, if you add a post all project members will notice and it's a great way to communicate or get some help. 

Also in the Netherlands, children often (not always but very often) named their children in a specific order, the first child after the paternal grandfather, the second after the maternal grandfather etc. so it's not so strange if all sons/daughters would have a son named Adriaen if Adriaen was the name of one of the grandfathers ..

See here for more specific info about the naming pattern (which, if families used it, can be a great help figuring out what the names of the grandparents were ) 

+9 votes

My name is Kim de Groot and I just started researching my Dutch roots earlier this month.  I was born in the United States. Both parents and all my relations, other than a sibling, (that I know of so far), were born in the Netherlands.  Although I think I just stumbled on a relation from Duitsland, still researching though...

  • My father's parents (Hendrik de Groot - Etje Pelgrim)
  • My mother's parents (Arnoldus Dirk Snijders - Willem van den Brink)

If you need further information, please let me know.  Thanks!



by Kim de Groot G2G6 Mach 1 (20.0k points)
So happy to see you joining the project, Kim!

You already did all we request from new members, so no further information or action is needed. Bea will supply you with the Dutch Roots project badge.

Apparently you have no trouble finding Dutch sources, so I say: Happy hunting!

The project members are always happy to help, so don't hesitate to post questions here on G2G, tagging them "dutch_roots".
HI and thanks for joining Kim ! Added you the badge :)
Thank you Jan!
Thank you and thanks for the badge!
+8 votes
I am Ray Niekamp (Niekamp-26), and am interested in my Niekamp ancestors from the Scheemda/Winschoten area. Ultimately, I would like to see if there is a common ancestor for all the different Niekamp lines in the Netherlands. Haven't had much luck, because it appears even more Niekamps come from Germany. Also interested in Keizer.
by Ray Niekamp G2G3 (3.4k points)

Hi Ray,

Welcome to the Dutch Roots project! 

Some random observations:

  • Please take the actions asked for in the original question above
  • You might add the tags german_roots and dutch_roots to your "Niekamp in Borgholzhausen and Bielefeld" question to maybe get more reactions
  • Source citations are of utmost importance, so please add them to profiles if at all possible
  • You might also consider joining the German Roots project to trace the German branches of Nieman
Happy hunting!
+9 votes
Hello, I am Joanette Le Cornu. I am from South Africa. My mother's parents(Lubbinge & Smit) was both born in the Netherlands, and immigrated to South Africa(about 1950s) with their families when they were very young.

I've followed my grandmother's family(Smit, Medelts, Zijlema) back to the 1700s, with information I've founded on FamilySearch. But I know FamilySearch isn't always reliable, so I hope to discover more information that is reliable that confirm or correct the information that I have.

My grandfather is Hilko Lubbinge, and his last name is interesting to me and I'd like to find more information about it. Thank you.
by Joanette Smith G2G1 (1.0k points)
edited by Joanette Smith

Hi Joanette and welcome to the Dutch Roots Project, we of course are all about sourcing and improving profiles, the family search records of course are fine and primary sources, the genealogies or family trees not always are but it depends if they have (primary) sources added or not of course. 

If you have Dutch profiles and would like some help finding sources for them, just add {{Dutch Roots|Need=Birth}} to the top of the Bio's and {{Unsourced|Netherlands}} this way we all can find them all there and search for and add sources to them.

You also can ask for some help from Dutch Roots members by starting a G2G yourself from the profile, if you add the tag dutch_roots and choose the question Category: Request for Project Volunteers  

But for starters, here's some help for Koop Lubbinge ;) 

Primary sources for people from Drenthe all are here, I searched for Koop Lubbinge and here are all results  if you click on the orange little folder images at the right (akte) it takes you to the indexed info, here's for example the marriage record  the index info+ there's a link to the scan as well (just scroll a bit down). 

Have fun sourcing and happy hunting !

Joanette & Bea

Koob Lubbinge is my brother-in-law. Married to my husband's sister.  There is more Lubbinge's in the Bron-family also. I have access to some sources, so I'm more than happy to help you.

Louise Ros
Baie dankie Louise all help of course is appreciated !
+8 votes
Good day, Please add met to this project?  My father's family (Bron) emigrated to South Africa during 1952 and my husband's family (Ros) during 1971

Louise Ros
by Louise Ros G2G1 (1.1k points)
Hi Louise,

Of course en met veel plesier ! Welkom bij het Dutch Roots Project cousin we are very happy to have you as a member of our team ! :D
+9 votes
Hello. My name is Jay Fletcher, and my wikitree identifier is Fletcher-5519. I am pre-1700 certified, and I am DNA certified. I would like to learn more about my Dutch ancestors from the Netherlands. I have also recently joined the Huguenot project, as I believe some of my Dutch ancestors may have emigrated from France to the Netherlands, and then to New Netherlands in North America. Surnames of interest are Van Wagenen/Van Wagoner, Depeyster, Provoost, van der Beek, Brinkerhoff, Roome, van der Voort, Brinkerhoff, Van Houten, Remsen, Diederix, Vreeland, van Gelder, Ryerson, and Hagedorn. I look forward to contributing the Dutch Roots project!
by Jay Fletcher G2G1 (1.2k points)

Hi and welcome to the Dutch Roots Project Ray, and looking at the names you added I think the New Netherland Settlers Project for sure is a project you should join as well, we work together pretty close and most if not all of the early ancestors already are present here at WikiTree, so you probably find you can just connect your family/lineage to one of the already present ones :) Van Wagenen Van Wagoner Depeyster  van der Beek Provoost  Brinkerhoff Roome van der Voort van Houten Remsen, Dircks, Vreeland, van Gelder Ryerson, Hagedorn (see at the top right of these pages, for other versions of the names as well, and for the earlier ones that were born in the Netherlands, a lot were born with just the patronymic for Last name at Birth (LNAB) so they are corrected here and can't be found with the names they sometimes used in the New Netherland, so they are present, but you will have to follow back the lineages to find them.  

Have fun and happy hunting ! And of course if you have questions just ask we're always happy to help :)


+10 votes
Hi I have a question (because I'm a bit lost in the Dutch Roots project). I don't know if this is the rigth place to ask this question, but G2G is somehow also confusing (I can't find my way around yet). But my question is 'What are the minimum requirements for a good profile? I've seen a lot of example profiles on the templates page, but that is not giving me a minimum requirement before I can attach the Dutch Root template. Can anybody help me out, because I like to make sure all my contributions are being 'Wiki' proof.

Regards, Margreet
by Margreet Beers G2G6 Pilot (151k points)

The most explicit statement on profiles being "Wiki' proof I guess is here

A profile is ready when it has proper sources and a Bio with contents and/or some info added.

Personally, in any profile I try to provide and cite primary sources for the applicable vital events birth/baptism, marriage and death/burial. For events in the Netherlands I consider primary sources to be birth, marriage, and death certificates (all post-1810) and church baptism, marriage, and burial records (pre-1811). Considering that almost all of these sources are available online with an index record (transcription of the basic items of an event) and a scan I usually give a three-part citation for the event:

  • Link to the specific archive's or portal's index record
  • Text of the index record (to be independent of the URL of the link)
  • Link to the scan of the event's (usually mostly handwritten) record


We have some example profiles here  and Jan ( thank you ! ) explained it very well, records and index record + adding the info from the indexrecord or a transcript(s) of the original record(s)/scan(s), this is very important, because sometimes archives decide to change URL's or servers, which results in dead links. (the URL's/links are no longer working) So if you didn't add the info, the source/link you added is useless and the profile ends up being pretty much Unsourced again. 

+9 votes

My name is Heidi van Os de Man and I would like to join the Dutch Roots Project.

I did all the work on my husbands familytree, which is mostly dutch
by Living van Os de Man G2G6 (9.3k points)

Hi Heidi,

Welcome to the Dutch Roots project! 

Some random observations:

  • Please take the actions asked for in the original question above
  • Source citations are of utmost importance, so please add them to profiles if at all possible

Happy hunting!

Hi and welcome Heidi,

I noticed you have imported a gedcom and perhaps something went wrong during the import, because (unfortunately) a lot of profiles ended up without any sources, so for those you can add sources if you have them, but if you need some help (no need to struggle alone at WikiTree ;) ) you can also add (just copy and paste this one to the top of their Bio's)  {{Unsourced|Germany}} or if they are from a different country you can add the same template but with for example Netherlands,so {{Unsourced|Netherlands}} and if they are Dutch you can also add this template {{Dutch Roots|Needs=Birth}} 

This way we all (all project/WikiTree members) can help source and improve profiles, Sources are important of course, not only for the Dutch Roots Project, but for all WikiTree Profiles you will find sources are priority number one. :)

Have fun and if you still have questions just ask, always happy to help !

+9 votes

Not joining, as I have no Dutch ancestors that I know of. Just wanted to say "Hi", and tell you the project picture is really nice.Love it.

by Bob Keniston G2G6 Pilot (264k points)
Hi and thank you Bob, glad you like it and great to see you here :D

Have a wonderful weekend !
+9 votes
I am from Minnesota USA.  I am searching down my Dutch line of FABER and JELLENA.  I recently did my DNA and have a 1st cousin twice removed  named Lizeth Wals from the Netherlands. My grand parents moved from Holland in the early 1900's and landed in MN.
by Shawn Faber G2G Crew (470 points)

Hi Shawn,

We will be happy to welcome you as a Dutch Roots member once you completed the Pre-1700 Self-Certification quiz.

But for starters here are the immigration records of your Dutch grandparents:

We are always glad to assist and answer questions. Tag your questions on G2G dutch_roots and one of us will answer quickly.
Happy hunting!
Hi and welcome Shawn !

Indeed as Jan says, as soon as you have the badge (pre-1700) I'll add award you the project badge, in the meanwhile I have been adding some info, sources and profiles to your family, a lot of Dutch adopted the last name in about 1811, so before that they only used or were known by the patronymic, which is why it makes it sometimes so difficult to trace them back further. If you want to be added as co manager or to the trusted list just let me know ;)

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