I am not a member of this group but noticed the discussion about contacting people who have contributions to make to this project. I think it would be very useful to have had someone contact me when I started putting in names 300-400 years old. Some guidance from more experienced wikktreers - could be a link to specific EA names and issues would have helped. I really don't want to create a raft of duplicates - but fear I may have done so. When possible matches poped up I wasn't sure of next steps and often although lots of similarities a differing date or spouse made me cautious, even though most of rest of data matched - so I created a new profile :(
I like the idea of a 300 year 'cut-off' that would have stopped me, also perhaps a flag saying "STOP - check ...........(list of names) before creating this profile" eg as soon as I hit a Neville, Percy etc.
I am probably not explaining my experience very well. Bottom line I do like the conntacting email idea.