How do you create new categories?

+9 votes
OK, Lianne.  You thought you were going to get away without answering this one, didn't you?  :-)

How can I create new categories?  I want to work on Prussia and it's provinces.  Maybe I'll do the other pre-1871 independent German states after that.
in Policy and Style by Fred Remus G2G6 Mach 4 (45.1k points)
retagged by Keith Hathaway

1 Answer

+10 votes
Best answer

Lianne must be in the powder room!  

It's very easy to create a new category.  in the bio section of a profile add a tag like [[Category:Prussia]] and when you save the profile, it will appear as a link near the bottom of the summary text right above the social buttons.  At this point the category doesn't technically exist yet, but if you click on the link it will take you to the edit page for the new category.  You can enter some descriptive text if you wish, but more importantly, this is where you will link it to other categories.  For instance, if you wanted it to appear in the category for Europe, you would add the tag [[Category:Europe]] in the text and hit save.  You can nest it under several categories by simply adding the tags to the category text.  You can even create more new categories like this, just be sure to edit each new one as well so that they will appear in the hierarchy where you want them.

One more thing, if you want to make a category with multiple words in the name, use a tag like [[Category:My_New_Category]].  Just replace the spaces with underscores.


by Allen Minix G2G6 Mach 1 (18.6k points)
selected by Fred Remus
Thank you, Allen.  Looking at Prussia, I now see that my project idea is probably a bit over-ambitious.  Prussian borders and provincial names changed so much over time that they're nearly impossible to nail down.  Still, I'll use the information to do what I can.
Sorry I didn't get to this one right away! (Also, haha, the powder room? :P More likely I was just at work.) Good answer, Allen.

One thing: You don't actually have to replace the spaces with underscores (though you can). [[Category:My New Category]] also works just fine. :)
Good to know!  Thank you!
Apparently I wasnt the only one who missed this! Sheesh Lianne, holding out on all the secrets!
You also can include commas and apostrophes in categories... [[Category:Saint Mary's County, Maryland]]  When you look in the address bar it will look like this [[Category:Saint_Mary%27s_County%2C_Maryland]] but you can ignore that and type it "naturally" just make sure you do it the same way each time.

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