Looking for anyone that knows anything about Sebastian Rios Medina from San Sebastian, PR. I believe he is my great grandfather. He lived for a time in Arecibo as well.
He was married to Benigna Rodriguez Gil and Julia Soler Mendez. He lived from approximately 1855-1912, so I'm looking for anyone that might have family stories on him. His son Sebastian Rios Rodriguez is also a candidate for my great grandfather, so anyone that knew him (~1893-1953) would be a plus as well.
Sebastian Rios Medina was the son of Jose Federico del Rio y Cintron and Rita Medina Carde (both from San Sebastian). His full name may have been Pedro Felix Sebastian del Rio y Medina (later shortened/changed to the name above).
I am the granddaughter of his son born out of wedlock, Juan Rios Lopez (with Luisa Lopez Roman, of San Sebastian). The story is that Sebastian eventually recognized Juan as his son (that's why we carry his last name), but never recognized his daughter, Victoriana Lopez. One of Juan's half-brother's allegedly met with him and offered to introduce him to the family, but my grandpa was not interested. Therefore, I am trying to connect with the family we never knew.