Sebastian Rios Medina in either San Sebastian or Arecibo?

+4 votes
Looking for anyone that knows anything about Sebastian Rios Medina from San Sebastian, PR. I believe he is my great grandfather. He lived for a time in Arecibo as well.

He was married to Benigna Rodriguez Gil and Julia Soler Mendez. He lived from approximately 1855-1912, so I'm looking for anyone that might have family stories on him. His son Sebastian Rios Rodriguez is also a candidate for my great grandfather, so anyone that knew him (~1893-1953) would be a plus as well.

Sebastian Rios Medina was the son of Jose Federico del Rio y Cintron and Rita Medina Carde (both from San Sebastian). His full name may have been Pedro Felix Sebastian del Rio y Medina (later shortened/changed to the name above).

I am the granddaughter of his son born out of wedlock, Juan Rios Lopez (with Luisa Lopez Roman, of San Sebastian). The story is that Sebastian eventually recognized Juan as his son (that's why we carry his last name), but never recognized his daughter, Victoriana Lopez. One of Juan's half-brother's allegedly met with him and offered to introduce him to the family, but my grandpa was not interested. Therefore, I am trying to connect with the family we never knew.
WikiTree profile: Space:Rios_Family_Mysteries
in Genealogy Help by Francis Rios G2G Rookie (250 points)

2 Answers

+3 votes

Sebastian Rio Y Medina

United States Census, 1910

Name Sebastian Rio Y Medina
Event Type Census
Event Date 1910
Event Place Calabazas, San Sebastian, Puerto Rico
Gender Male
Age 55
Marital Status Married
Race White
Race (Original) B
Relationship to Head of Household Head
Relationship to Head of Household (Original) Jefe
Birth Year (Estimated) 1855
Birthplace Puerto Rico
Father's Birthplace Puerto Rico
Mother's Birthplace Puerto Rico
Sheet Letter A
Sheet Number 14






Sebastian Rio Y Medina Head M 55 Puerto Rico
Julia Soler Y Mendez De Rio Wife F 40 Puerto Rico
Antonia Rio Y Rodriguez Daughter F 25 Puerto Rico
Ricarda Rio Y Rodriguez Daughter F 22 Puerto Rico
Maria Rio De Garcia Daughter F 21 Puerto Rico
Sebastian Rio Y Rodriguez Son M 17 Puerto Rico
Rita Rio Y Soler Daughter F 14 Puerto Rico
Federico Rio Y Soler Son M 10 Puerto Rico
Antonio Rio Y Soler Son M 9 Puerto Rico
Rafael Rio Y Soler Son M 6 Puerto Rico
Julio Rio Y Soler Son M 2 Puerto Rico
Juan B Rio Y Garcia Son-in-law M 26 Puerto Rico


by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)


View the original document. The original may contain more information than was indexed.

United States Census, 1910

District ED 363
Sheet Number and Letter 14A
Household ID 117
Affiliate Name The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number T624
Affiliate Film Number 1779
GS Film Number 1375792
Digital Folder Number 005157773
Image Number 01460

Citing this Record

"United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 3 May 2017), Sebastian Rio Y Medina, Calabazas, San Sebastian, Puerto Rico; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 363, sheet 14A, family 117, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982), roll 1779; FHL microfilm 1,375,792.

+3 votes

Sebastian Rio Y Medina

Puerto Rico, Civil Registration

Name Sebastian Rio Y Medina
Event Type Death
Event Date 09 Mar 1912
Event Place San Sebastián, Puerto Rico
Gender Male
Birth Year (Estimated) 1855
Father's Name Federico Rio
Mother's Name Rita Medina
Spouse's Name Julia Soto
Volume Defunciones 1906-1914, L. 20-26


View the original document. The original may contain more information than was indexed.

Puerto Rico, Civil Registration, 1805-2001

Digital Folder Number 004538361
Image Number 01980

Citing this Record

"Puerto Rico, Registro Civil, 1805-2001," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 16 April 2015), Sebastian Rio Y Medina, 09 Mar 1912; citing San Sebastián, Puerto Rico, oficinas del ciudad, Puerto Rico (city offices, Puerto Rico).

by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Thanks! I do have these documents and have traced the family extensively, but I'm more looking for anyone that may know the family personally and be able to provide me with anything (personal documents, family stories) that would corroborate my info. However, if you find a birth certificate for either Sebastian Rios Medina or Luisa Lopez Roman, please do let me know! I've struggled finding anything besides approximate birth years that differ quite a bit.
If you have approximate birth years, that might help find a birth record or birth records.

Sebastian Rios Medina (candidate 1)

B. abt 1855, San Sebastian PR

Sebastian Rios Rodriguez (candidate 2, son of the above and Benigna Rodriguez Gil)

B. abt 1887-1894

Luisa Lopez Roman (my great grandmother)

B. abt 1875-1888, San Sebastian, PR


I'm inclined to go with Sebastian Rios Medina as the man in question; However, since Luisa's possible birth year varies so greatly, it's also possible it could be the son (Rios Rodriguez). If I can get her birth record, I think it would  really help clear up which of the two men it was. Or Rios Rodriguez's birth record, which might prove he was likely too young to father my grandfather (b. 1912).

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