I am Desmai Lee. My grandmother was Edith Olive or Edith Clarice Fisher. I have her birth date as 22/12/1919 She married (I think in 1935) Walter Frederick Stevenson born 22/5/1914. I have managed to trace the Stevenson side back to the sixteenth century. But I cannot find any info on my grandmothers side. She was born in Tamworth and married in Tamworth. Tthe family may have moved around Sydney somewhere as I have my parents being married in Sydney. My mothers name was Doreen Olive Stevenson born 15/9/1940 and my fathers name was Desmond Earl Lee born 5/11/1935. I am not sure if the dates are correct but am hoping. I hope I have given enough info. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Hoping to hear from someone !