Duncan McKay Spence born 1909; RD: Larbert; Ref. 485/A 254 [Note: Larbert is in Stirlingshire].
1911 Census – Larbert, Stirlingshire; Ref. 485/A 4/ 29 :
SPENCE, Richard, age 29 / SPENCE, Joan, age 29 / SPENCE, Louise, age 6 / SPENCE, Huggeton (male), age 5 / SPENCE, Susan, age 3 / SPENCE, Duncan, age 1
Richard SPENCE married Joanna McKAY in 1904; RD: Larbert; Ref. 485/A 22.
All of the above information is available at Scotlands People for FREE. If you would like to view the actual census, birth, death or marriage records you will need to purchase credits.
A search of the Statutory births for a Richard SPENCE born c1881 produced no results.
FMP has Scottish Census transcriptions for 1841-1901. The 1901 Census @ Binnies Lane, North Road, Larbert, Stirlingshire states:
Hamilton Spence, Head, Married, Male, 42, Fdy Steam Hammerman, Ireland / Susan Spence, Wife, Married, Female, 50, Ireland / Marjory Spence, Daughter, Single, Female, 21, Ass Confectionery, Ireland / Richard J Spence, Son, Single, Male, 19, 1882, Gratefitter, Ireland / Mary, Spence, Mother, Widow, Female, 70, Ireland.
Richard's birth certificate is available at https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/churchrecords/civil-search.jsp - born 1881 in Armagh; Group Registration ID: 11629331.
Also on Scotlands People, Richard's parents Hazelton SPENCE & Susan BAXTER married in 1879; RD: Partick; Ref. 646/2 29.