GEDCOM backup problem.

0 votes
Good day everyone,

I am trying to backup the work I have done (about 200 entries) and when I try to get a backup from the GEDCOM download, I always get an error.

"Error saving file."  is the error I get.


I have enabled popups and full rights to the wikitree site.  Any ideas?



WikiTree profile: Christian Charette
in Genealogy Help by Christian Charette G2G Rookie (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Chris,

I assume you've received the e-mail that says your file is ready for download, and you're clicking on the link?

Have you tried right-clicking the link with your mouse, and selecting "save link as"?

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
No email, I get the error when I press the generate button.

Thanks for the help.
Hmmm. That's interesting. We made a server change over the weekend so it's possible we introduced a bug there.

Let's see. You're at this page:

And you click the "Export GEDCOM" button?

And what exactly does the error say? Is it an error in a yellow status bar at the top of the page or somewhere else?
Hi again, Chris.

Ignore the above. I see the problem. We're working on it, and we'll let you know when it's fixed.

Thanks for your patience.
This is now fixed. If you try it again, it should work.

My apologies for the inconvenience and thanks for reporting the problem.
Thanks a million I feel better knowing I have a backup.

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