Pictures of unknown people...

+11 votes
I have pictures of family but I don't know who they are. I thought I saw a place here to post those for help. Am I confused with another website? I have a lot of pictures of my family from the mid 1800's to the early 1900's but because that side of my family has all passed, and no one noted who they were, I have no clue. Some of these pictures were taking in Sweden, according to the embossing on the back. If you know of a place here, or anywhere, please share!
in The Tree House by Shelby West G2G2 (2.8k points)
I have a large photo taken at a Nickerson gathering that included my parents Ferdinand Earl Fritz & wife, his mother Nina Sophia Nickerson Fritz, her parents Oramina McInnis Nickerson & her husband Ferdinand Earl Nickerson.

The rest of the group I have no idea who they would be.  Is there some place that I could post this for help in identifying these people?

Thank you in advance

Taylor Fritz Gilchrist
Hopefully, we will get tons of info! GOod luck to you.

3 Answers

+11 votes
Best answer
If the photos are taken in Sweden I would suggest the page "Porträttfynd" at the Swedish site Rötter.

It's a place to upload unknown photos and perhaps get help identifying them. Not sure it will translate to English though, you have to check it out.
by Maggie Andersson G2G6 Pilot (156k points)
selected by Living Sälgö
I second this suggestion. I'm in a similar boat. I have a large collection of old unlabelled photos, likely of Swedish relatives but possibly their friends or in-laws. I have hunches about a scant few and no clue about the majority. The Swedish portrait database is a great way to share your photos with others. As they're organized by location and photographer/studio, you may be able to compare your photo with its labelled neighbors or use other clues to date your photo. You may even discover a distant cousin (like Jude, above) with a similar photo in their collection. Wherever, Flickr or Porträttfynd or some other site, the more places you share, the more likely you are to make connections and discoveries related to your photos.
It translates with Chrome! Thank you! I've got them scanned already, just been waiting to find a spot to park them. YAY thank you!!!
I just got one posted on there. WOW, that was difficult, even with the translator! But I got it :) Thanks again.

FYI: When doing links to external sites best practise is using a template to avoid problems when the external site change URL

We have a template Template:SPC_Portrattfynd used on the following +500 parish categories that links to Porträttfynd a portrait archive for genealogy in Sweden...

See also Template:SPC_Portrattfynd#What is_Porträtt_fynd

Porträttfynd was used to solve this Brickwall Fisk-729#Brick_Wall_solved_-_What_was_done

More Swedish solved Brickwalls

Wow that's amazing. Thank you very much, Magnus!

You should also try to identify the photographer ==> you can get a feeling for the date when he/she was active. See

You also have an excellent forum called Anbytarforum were the best Swedish genealogy people normally answer. They have a section for old pictures link

E.g. I asked about the below picture on profile Sälgö-4 and got the answer because of the uniform used and when the person was born we got a good guess were he also did his military service  Anbytarforum

Magnus, soldaten på bilden ser ut att vara artillerist. Artilleriets jackam kallades attila och hade svart snörliv (attila m/1872). Men i artilleriet fanns även en daglig jacka som kallades kollett (kollett m/1872). Soldaten på bilden ser ut att bära kollett. Byxorna däremot måste vara de grå byxor med revärer som ingick i uniform m/1910 och på bilden är det antagligen ridbyxan av m/1910 som soldaten bär (ser vid ut över låren).

Artilleriet bar liksom kavalleriet läderstövlar men soldaten på bilden har särskilda benskydd. Eftersom denna bild är tagen efter 1910 och då personen på bilden är född 1895 så är bilden troligen tagen år 1915. Man gjorde nämligen sin värnplikt vid 20-års ålder.

Eftersom bilden är tagen i Uppsala så är det troligt att han gjorde sin värnplikt vid Upplands artilleriregemente (A5). /Hans"


That forum is excellent info! I picked a photo that I also thought stood out with a uniform as well to post first...

THis is the URL to my picture:

I'm not sure how to post the picture on here, ugh! Bear with me :)  How did you get your picture in your comment? 

This URL works for me

I guess this is not a soldier more a postman or a person working at the railway

  1. The photographer Lundholm & Co Sundsvall
    1. If we check we have a John Edvard Lundholm who worked in Sundsvall between 1887-1894
      1. Question can that be ok?

I asked a question at Anbytarforum see link

THANK YOU Magnus! You are a wealth of information and I SO appreciate it! So will my cousins. We are all clueless about who they could be. The oldest living relative that we are aware of is his mother, she is my great aunt, and even she doesn't recognize any of these folks in the photos, except her grandparents. Some of my photos are from flash bulb photography, so they are on the metal plates. I'm very excited at the prospect of finding out more with the information you've supplied! YOU are a gem :)
+11 votes
I have a Flickr account, so I post scans of my photos there, and share them with newly discovered DNA cousins.  One guy got in touch with me randomly to ask why I had a photograph of his family, and thus I found another cousin.  Anyway, I'm sure others will have better ideas.
by J. Crook G2G6 Pilot (236k points)
That's awesome! I was hoping people would find me too. I'm adopted, and I hope my bio siblings find me. They don't know about me. Some day, someone will pop up and see it, I'm sure. That's off topic, but still :)

Great idea bout flckr. I didn't consider a public search!
I actually have a free space page here at WikiTree Where I put scanned but unknown photos. I know they belong to my mothers side and when a cousin on that side contacts me I ask them to look at the photos and see if they recognise anyone.  So far at least a couple of photos has had the persons in them confirmed by someone else but me.
How did you get a free space page? Is it just on your profile? I'm interested in trying that too!
You're our Scandinavian "Jack of all trades!" If I could figure out how to give you a "star," or a "thank you," I'd do that, but I can't find that either, haha!

I'm keeping my eye on your post on the Rotters forum. Chrome translated for me. Thanks again for that!

I'll start uploading my scans. I have so many and am so excited at this prospect of finding out who they are!

You're a gem!!
+7 votes

Facebook has several groups where you could post photos. If you know which province they were from you could try out those groups first.

My ancestors are from Västergötland for example or Släktforskning i Södermanland.

There are a bunch of other places too but I believe these types would be the best to start.

by Lena Svensson G2G6 Mach 5 (57.3k points)
Never thought about facebook. Thanks!
I couldn't find one for Jonkoping. But FYI, My GGrandmother was a Svensson :)

I created a Template for linking to Facebook it is used on the following Categories and added a lot of links to all parish pages. At some point a lot of links was moved away from the Parish Category page to the county so click on the county link....

I guess you are interested in 

That you find on Category:Jönköpings_län 
For Jönköping you could try to find one for Småland. Jönköping is the county and it is situated in the province of Småland.

Sorry, but Svensson is a very common patronymic. In Sweden you can't do genealogy based on Surnames unless you are of noble descent. You have to use church records with the dates of births, deaths, and marriages.

I updated Jansson-416

With sources. I normally record what I do but forgot to start recording. You have other examples of using the tool Arkiv Digital in my YouTube channel

Looks like you have an active Folklore society in Kärda parish see

It is the birth Place for Nelson-13515


You guys are the best! Thank you. I've got so much to work on, no excuse to not find out more. THANK YOU!

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