Sources are not visible in private or public (both white) view, only in Edit view. [closed]

+5 votes
I want to continue to add sources to my profiles since I haven't done a good job of that but this one is not even visible. Both public and private views are set to open (white).
WikiTree profile: Harry Rehman
closed with the note: Issue was fixed.
in Policy and Style by Beverly Tamanini G2G2 (2.8k points)
closed by Dorothy Barry

1 Answer

+7 votes
Best answer

Have fixed it for you

You were missing <ref> [[Tamanini-1|Beverly Tamanini]], Saturday, April 18, 2015.</ref>

== Sources ==

<references />

by Tess Cameron G2G6 Mach 5 (55.1k points)
selected by Keith Hathaway
Nice use of red.
Thank you, Tess, Please bear with me because I am not sure what I need to do in the future . I need to put <ref> before my name and then </ref> after my name; keep the Sources heading and then add the <references/> after whatever I type in there or did I just get carried away with a delete button?
That's correct Beverly, </ref> after your name. You can leave

== Sources ==

<references /> and your sources can go under that.
Thank you!

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