I am looking for information on William Henry Benfield. He was born in Iredell Co. NC. His father was Edward Benfield.

+3 votes
I am at a dead end on finding information on my great, great grandfather.  I have his DOB as 6/3/1866 in Iredell Co. NC and DOD as 10/11/1920.  He died in Charlotte, NC.  His father was Edward Benfield.  No DOB for him.  No mother listed.  Can you help?
in Genealogy Help by

1 Answer

+2 votes
Birth:     Jun. 3, 1866
Death:     Oct. 11, 1920

William H. Benfield, a carpenter, of 1247 North Pegram street, who fell from a scaffold at the Southern Asbestos company last Monday, died as the result of his injuries at the Presbyterian hospital yesterday morning.

His callar bone was broken and internal injuries were sustained by Mr. Benfield in his fall.

The funeral will be conducted this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home. The Junior Order United american Mechanics willhave charge of the service. Interment will be in Oaklawn cemetery.

Mr. Benfield, who was 54 years of age, is survived by his wife, five daughters and two sons.

Charlotte Observer, 10.12.1920

Wife listed as Margaret Stilwell born 5-31-1868 death 6-6-1953  --She married William Henry Benfield; they had 7 children.
Hope this helps.
by Living Wilcox G2G6 Mach 2 (21.2k points)

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