Relationship Found: Winston and James are 4th cousins 1 time removed
To find the relationship we searched for an ancestor shared by both Winston Churchill and James Jerome.
Knowing the first common ancestor, Timothy Jerome, and knowing the name of the relationship between Timothy and Winston, and the name of the relationship between Timothy and James, we can use a family relationship table to name the relationship, i.e. Winston and James are 4th cousins 1 time removed.
Relationship Trail
Winston is the son of Jennie Churchill.
Jennie is the daughter of Leonard Walter W. Jerome.
Leonard Walter is the son of Isaac Jerome.
Isaac is the son of Aaron Jerome.
Aaron is the son of Samuel Jerome.
Samuel is the son of Timothy Jerome.
Timothy is the fourth great grandfather of Winston.
James is the son of Thomas J. Jerome.
Thomas is the son of Thomas Jerome.
Thomas is the son of Thomas Jerome.
Thomas is the son of Zerubbabel Jerome.
Zerubbabel is the son of Timothy Jerome.
Timothy is the third great grandfather of James.