where was william gray died 1848 lanarkshire aged 44 born?

+2 votes
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Anonymous, can you be more specific?

According to the Scottish census of 1841 there were 15 William Grays living in Lanarkshire that were approximately the right age to be this man.

Did your person live in Barony, Avondale, Lanark, Hamilton, Cadder, New Monkland, Old Monkland or Douglas?
Wombat Allen
William  lived in lanark (east kilbride)at some stage,also eastwood ,in renfrew.
His wife was Jean Wallace
thank you
Wombat Allen Thank you for your response and research,I am unsure that this is my man.I am aware of the Freecen site I know he had a children named Janet, Ann, James ,Andrew ,William,John, and was in Eastwood ,Renfrew in the 1841 census.He married Jean there in 1830 .My difficulty is I can't get back from there to his parents.Using the naming tradition ,I believe they were possibly named William and Ann.Whilst he appears here in Eastwood he anecdotally might have lived in east kilbride,where his wife went after his death.Any suggestions would be welcome.Thank you again
If your aware of the FreeCen site then I have to assume that you are aware of FreeReg and Scotlands People too in which case the only options left that I can think of are FamilySearch, http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/sct/, local records or fellow scots gray researchers. Good Luck
Thank you for that .Its helpful to have someone else's view on where to go."Brick walls" can seem impenetrable ,particularly when they've been stared at for some time!

1 Answer

+2 votes


Thomas, the scottish census and others for 1841 is available for free at http://www.freecen.org.uk/cgi/search.pl which has this household that looks plausible (its the only one with an adult Jean and a William Gray of the right age in the household (in 1841 enumerators were instructed to round up adult ages to the nearest 5 years).
Piece: SCT1841/626 Place: Cadder, Lanarkshire Enumeration District: 3
Civil Parish: Cadder Folio: 3 Page: 2 Address: Old Auchinearn Village
Surname First name(s) Sex Age Occupation Where Born
GRAY William M 40 Cotton Hand Loom Weaver Lanarkshire
GRAY Jean F 40 Lanarkshire
GRAY Isobella F 20 Lanarkshire
GRAY Janet F 18 Lanarkshire
GRAY Jean F 16 Lanarkshire
GRAY Margaret F 14 Lanarkshire
GRAY William M 12 Lanarkshire
GRAY Alexander M 7 Lanarkshire
GRAY Mary F 4 Lanarkshire
by Wombat Allen G2G6 Mach 2 (26.1k points)

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